Brief summary of what happened in Game of Thrones.

For starters I tell you that the very successful series of HBO is based on the books written by George R.R. Martin, some books with several arguméntales lines that happen at the same time and that we will not take into account for this post. Because the series and the books have important differences. The books were originally going to be just one, then 3 and then 7, they stayed (for now) in the fifth, but let's focus on the series, since the material for this post comes from there, the books and extras of the BluRays, In addition, if one pays attention to the books you can notice the subtle changes in the plot that was made by his fickle author, for example in the original draft, Arya and Jon would become lovers.
That's why I tell them not to get tangled up and focus on the series.
The problem of the series (and a little books) is that it is difficult to understand because many things have happened that one should grab to the air. So I'm going to tell you the origin of ALL the Game of Thrones universe and that way you'll understand everything easier. Also remember, this post is a summary so we already know that many times and names are missing but the thread is for people to understand the series or remember data and important things not to be confused, so just enjoy this story.
Our story begins in a fictional world where there are four continents, one is called "Westeros", another "Essos", another Ulthos and another "Sothoryos", but our story will be developed in the first two. At first Westeros was inhabited only by giants and by the children of the forest, the giants were great hairy and clumsy beings, while the children of the forest were the opposite, they were small and intelligent beings who used obsidian tools, children of the forest carved faces in the trees and worshiped them as gods, and suddenly the first men who went around the world felling trees to build their houses and because as their gods the children of the forest attacked them. The war lasted a lot, and both sides eventually made a pact and so the war ended and everyone lived together well, even the first men began to worship the same gods as the children of the forest and began to build their kingdoms in peace.

The seasons of the year do not last 3 months, here the seasons, especially the winter can last little or much, and there was a winter that lasted many, many years, a generation where children were born and died without knowing the summer. That terrible era was called the "Long Night", it was there when some terrible beings called "White Walkers" appeared, they were a kind of living dead, zombies that were reviving the men who killed and were looking for everyone remain in darkness and cold forever.
A legend says that a hero named Azor-Ahai defeated them with a sword of fire, and well, that's why there is a giant wall in the north, to prevent the dead from invading freely and there is also an order called: The Guard of Night, which protects that wall.
Thousands of years went by, so many that the world forgot that white walkers existed, in fact they were thought to be legends to scare children and there were also more real and real dangers like dragons. But in a place of the other continent, (Essos) appeared a race of men that was able to tame the dragons and control them, and with the help of them, the people of Valyria was conquering all that they could and many men fled from the Valyrians
For example, the village of the Andalusians and the people of the Rhyonar who fled from the people of Valyria settled in Wateros and began to defeat the kings and towns of the first men, all but one house.
The Stark.
Although these invading peoples did exterminate almost completely the children of the forest who also became legends.
The end of Valyria came when some volcanoes erupted and destroyed it and meanwhile Westeros was divided into 7 great kingdoms:
- The North of the Stark.
- In Los Rios los Hoare.
- On the Rock the Lannister
- In the Gardener Domain.
- In the Los Arryn Valley.
- In the lands of the storm the Durrandons
- In Dorne, the Martells.
And all the kingdoms were fighting each other. until the other side of the sea, after the destruction of Valyria, its people and almost all the dragons, we learned that there was a family that managed to save themselves, they are Los Targaryen. A Targaryen named Aegon Targaryen decided to invade Westeros, along with his two sisters. The Targaryen married each other to preserve the blood of the Valyrians, but Aegon broke the tradition and did not marry one of his sisters.
He married the two.
And so Aegon, and his sisters Rhaenis and Visenya, each mounted a dragon (Vhagar, Meraxes and Valerion respectively) and began the conquest of the 7 kingdoms, but not only came with 3 dragons, came with a great army and little to Little began to conquer the 7 kingdoms. Aegon even named one of his soldiers as his right hand and with the help of that man named Orys Baratheon (remember that surname), and with his dragons, he began to conquer the world, although there were two kingdoms (north and south) that he could not conquer, at least not in battle.

The king of the north, Torrhen Stark knelt and decided not to fight, so as not to risk the people of the north, his wisdom caused Aegon to name him guardian of the north, in fact other kings appointed them guardians of the south east and west. (To the Tyrell, Lannister and Arryn)
And so Aegon Targaryen, 1st of his name, became lord of the 7 kingdoms, king of the andalos, the rhyonar and the first men, and with the swords of all the defeated ones, he was built thanks to the fire of his dragons, a monstrous iron throne.
But there was a kingdom that was still not submitted, was the southernmost kingdom, a place called Dorne, ruled by the Martell, in fact his men managed to kill Rhaenys with his dragon Meraxes. The proud Dornians resisted for centuries until the Targaryen united the houses through marriage between princes, but hey, in short, this is how they are made with the 7 kingdoms, now I will tell you how they lose the throne and are left in ruins .
More than 300 years after the arrival of Aegon, the dragons had become extinct, and once in a while the Targaryen became (or was born) insane, many believe that this was because the Targaryen were still married between brothers, but the craziest of all was Aerys II, he was so unstable that his right hand was the one who made all the decisions and kept the peace.
That hand was a man named Tywin Lannister, who was constantly humiliated by the king because of the comments about Tywin driving the kingdom, but was offended and definitely distanced from the so-called Mad King when Tywin proposed to him that his daughter Cersei, He married the crown prince Rhaegar, but the mad king mocked Tywin and his pretensions.
Aerys also took his only son, a young man named Jamie, and appointed him a member of his personal guard, and to all that tragedy he added that Tywin's wife died giving birth to a deformed son they called Tyrion.
But then something happened that left the king more insane, and it is incredible that it seems they kidnapped him, a noble house that wanted to negotiate tax was returned by his prisoner and when he left he never became the same again, he never went back to bathe or cut nails and distrusted everyone. He forbade anyone except his guard to carry weapons, but even so his paranoia grew, and he brought a young eunuch across the sea to be the spymaster and inform him of everything that happened, that young eunuch was called "Varys" and it will be important.
Without Tywin in the court fed up with so many the crazy king was left alone in the kingdom and his madness increased even more, now he felt like a dragon and ordered to create a magical fire.

Everyone expected the king to die and the new king, the brave and noble prince Rhaegar, but something terrible happened.
Rhaegar who was married, fell in love at a tournament of Lyana Stark, daughter of the guardian of the north, and rumors say that contrary to everything that was the prince, he fell in love with her so much that he kidnapped her and raped her, then Brandon Stark, his brother, went to demand justice .. but the king captured him and when his parents went to ask for clemency, he ordered that both died burned, then the Stark commanded by Eddard, the youngest son and now northern lord along with Robert Baratheon, who He was engaged to Lyana, they revealed themselves and they marched to war, Eddard had just married the woman who was the fiancee of his late brother, (Catelyn Tully), and swore to him that he would go back to war.
Thus began the rebellion and little by little Robert Baratheon and his friend Eddard began to win battle after battle, the mad king remained locked in his fortress to the south so Tywin Lannister ordered him to return to the capital but his former hand did not respond to the call , the war was decided in what they call "The Battle of the Trident"; in it the tall and stocky Robert Baratheon fought hand to hand with the very Rhaegar Targaryen and managed to kill him and so he avenged himself for what he did to his fiancée. But after the battle Robert was very hurt so Eddard commanded the end of the rebellion and marched to the capital, all was lost to the Targaryen but suddenly Tywin Lannister appeared with his great army and the mad king ordered to be let in.
But Tywyn betrayed the king and his men changed sides and looted the city they defended, and seeing that the enemy armies marched towards the capital, and his former ally betrayed him, the mad king took his last letter, ordered to destroy the capital with his magical fire, but it was too late since Tywin's son, the one who was a member of his personal guard, the one who had a twin sister named Cersei and who had been rejected as a wife for the future king, killed the king with treachery crazy and that's the end of the rebellion.
But not the Targaryen dynasty since the mad king had sent to a place called "Dragonstone" his other son, a little boy named Viserys with his mother pregnant with a girl who was born on a terrible stormy night.
His mother died in the birth of little Daenerys.
So with the help of spies, they sent Dany and Viserys across the sea, and the Targaryen reign ended.
Although the little Viserys will grow up dreaming of returning to Westeros to recover the throne some day.
And well Robert recovers from his wounds, and occupies the iron throne, marries Cersei the daughter of Tywin Lannister who by the way is the richest man in Westeros, Ned names him guardian of the north and everyone goes home .
But when Ned comes home he has a little surprise under his arm, a baby, an illegitimate child he had while he was in the war and his wife who was pregnant when he left did not take anything well the news actually hated the child from first day he saw it.
In this fictional world they give the bastard children a common surname no matter who your father is, and the northern bastards are given the surname "snow" ("Snow"). And here I could finish everything but some islands reveal themselves and another conflict begins.
And is that taking advantage of the government of King Robert was just 6 years and was unstable, a man named Balon Greyjoy organized a revolt with all his ships thinking that Robert would not gather a large army, but Robert asked the northern guardian, his beloved and trustworthy Ned, who takes care of it, also asks his brother Stannis who was a naval adviser to the kingdom to go too and even himself to put on his armor and part to a last war. Again he and Ned manage to quell the rebellion, Lord Greyjoy sees his eldest sons die and by losing the only remaining son to Ned Stark to serve as a hostage, that boy was called Theon Greyjoy, Ned treats him in a noble way And now, here, everything could end.

But what do you think? We have not even started the series, all this is given to understand, since the series begins more than a decade after all this, and that's why it can be difficult to understand.
So once explained all the above, let's start ...
The series begins with the guard of the night, that old order that watches the immense wall that separates the north from the wild lands, are the ones in charge of taking care of it and they are known as crows due to the black clothes they wear. The crows meet zombies (white walkers) who have been killing their companions and well, you could say that from the first chapter you see that in this world everyone believes that these beings are a legend and fairy tales but in reality if they exist.
When the king's hand dies, King Robert Baratheon decides to travel north after years of not seeing his friend Ned, and everyone there prepares to see the brave king who defeated the Targaryen, that tall and strong man who fought with a great war hammer, but when they arrive they see a fat drunkard who does not look anything like what the stories say about him.
The king arrives accompanied by his beautiful wife Cersei, his eldest son and heir Joffrey and his other two sons Tommen and Myrcella.
Also his real guard goes among them the twin brother of the queen, the handsome Jamie Lannister and the "dwarf", the younger brother of the queen and that by the way, she just like her father they hate her, although Jamie loves his little brother (small of age and size). And all are received by the Stark: Ned and Cat, and their children, who are Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon, who were not invited was Jon Snow, because they thought that the presence of a bastard could offend Robert and the Queen.

One afternoon while Bran Stark, who liked to climb the high walls of winterfell, discovers that the queen has a lover so the man throws him from the top of a tower, that man is the queen's own brother.
That's right, both brothers go to bed.
King Robert proposes Ned to be his hand, feels uneasy surrounded by so many Lannister and although at first he does not want to, his sister-in-law who was a wife of the hand of the previous king, sends them a secret letter where he tells them that the Lannister were the who killed him.
That's why Ned accepts and goes to the south with Sansa who has been engaged to Prince Joffrey while Cat stays to take care of Bran who struggles between life and death with her, leaving her eldest son Robb as lord to winter her and little Rickon.
Jon Snow decides that without his father Winterfell is not his home and decides to march and enlist in the night watch where he will never be less for being a bastard.
It is worth mentioning that days before the Stark found puppies of dire wolves and they are left, the worg wolves are a mythical species that grows as much as a small horse, they are more fierce, stronger and savage than the wolves but they are very noble.
And then every child Stark gets one, even Jon Snow who names his "Ghost". Before going to the guard Jon gives his beloved Arya a small gift, a sword that he had forged for her, Arya promises to train with her and as they always tell him that he has to learn to embroider and use the needle, choose that name for his sword "Needle".
Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf brother of the queen decides to go with Jon Snow towards the wall to know the border between the civilized kingdom and the kingdom of the savages, and between him and Jon a strange friendship will be formed.

Before arriving at the capital, Prince Joffrey reveals his true personality and we see that he is a capricious, angry and cowardly child, in fact it causes a fight between the Stark sisters and as if it were not enough Ned to arrive has to deal with the gossip of court.
All conspire against all in the council of the king, the only one who is shown as a friend is the counselor of the coin, Lord Peter Baelish nicknamed pinky but he warns Ned smiling that he does not trust anyone in court, including him .
On the other side of the sea we see the last Targaryen, Viserys, who is the legitimate heir to the throne, is ready to recover everything, so he sells his little sister to savages in exchange for an army, but not any army. savages are Dothrakis, nomadic tribes that travel on horses conquering villages, when a dothraki is defeated he has to cut his hair and the leader of this tribe is the fiercest of all the Dothrakis tribes. His name is Drogo, and he has the title of Khal, who is the leader, and has never been defeated, and because poor Daenerys ends up married to him and during the wedding receives many curious gifts, among them some fossilized dragon eggs that said by the way, they are worth a fortune.

Daenerys, although initially denying her fate, little by little with the help of a man exiled from Westeros named Jorah Mormont, who accompanies the Khal Drogo group, she feels better. But Viserys does not, in fact he feels increasingly frustrated because Drogo does not hand over his men but Jorah tells him to be patient, which he does not do and threatens his pregnant sister and tells Drogo to give him his crown or the Bush. Drogo orders that they hold him, melts his jewels and empties the molten metal in his head killing him, Jorah becomes closer and closer to Daenerys but she does not know that he is a spy of King Robert who will grant him a pardon in exchange for helping kill her, although in the end she does not.
Meanwhile on the other side of the sea things are getting hot because someone tries to kill Bran while he is unconscious because of the fall he suffered and is saved because his wolf was on guard.
And Cat travels to the capital to alert Ned, on the way back to Winterfell, Cat, is the dwarf Tyrion who came from the wall and intrigues of Lord Baelish who was his childhood friend, captures him and takes him prisoner thinking that he tried to kill Bran, but that leads to a fight between Ned and Jamie Lannister, in the fight Ned is wounded and on awakening the king asks him to free the dwarf and arranged affair, but Tyrion has already earned his freedom and that a mercenary helps him and becomes his bodyguard and both are already traveling south.

Where one afternoon while the king is hunting, a boar hurts him to death and before dying he gives Ned a letter where he gives the throne to him, at least until Joffrey comes of age, Ned accepts but He keeps a terrible secret. He did not want to tell his friend not to disturb his last moments that his children are not his, in fact they are Jamie and Cersei, they are the product of incest, so he asks the queen alone to leave because he will give him the throne to Stannis, brother of Robert.
Little finger "tells Ned that he will support him by paying the soldiers of the city guard who, along with those he brought from Winterfell, easily surpass those of the Queen and so after the death of the King they go to the throne room where is Cersei.
Or so he thinks because when he orders the queen to be arrested, Little finger puts a dagger in his neck and says, "I warned you not to trust me," the city guard kills Ned's men and he is arrested. . Cersei orders to capture Sansa and Arya, the first one they catch easy but Arya manages to escape with the help of her sword master, who dies defending her.

He wanders the streets of the capital and witnesses the public trial of his father.
Sansa who remains obsessed with marrying a prince convinces her father to plead guilty and that Joffrey forgives him, everyone accepts but at the last minute the evil Joffrey orders them to behead Ned.
Ned's son summons his vassals and they decide to become independent, they name Robb king of the north and here the clash of kings begins, because it turns out there are 5, Robb in the North Joffrey, and the two brothers of the late Robert who deny the legitimacy of Joffrey and we will reach the 5th.
Well, even on the other side of the sea, Khal Drogo seeks the iron throne because when he learned that the late King Robert ordered assassins to kill Daenerys, he swears to his wife that he will go to take the throne, but he does not succeed because a wound is infected and a witch leaves it as a vegetable. Daenerys who loses her baby trying to save Drogo, knowing that the witch has betrayed her, decides to make a funeral pyre for drug and burns the witch there, she also gets along with her valuable possessions (including dragon eggs) ), when the fire is extinguished, the tribe of Drogo is gone, there are only Jora Mormont, the 3 horsemen closest to the Khal, some older women, some old and children, the weakest ones, but everyone is surprised when Ashes see Daenerys rise intact.
But it is not alone, because although the eggs have disappeared, in their place there are 3 dragons.
Everything is about to change now that the dragons have returned.

Start the war of the 5 kings and Sansa is an important piece to legitimize the reign of Joffrey, (it is an open secret that is a bastard product of incest) is also the sister of the so-called king of the north and heiress of Winterfell.
Still the cruel Joffrey tortures her.
Robb, the King of the North, leaves his brother Bran who has awakened but will not walk again, in charge of Winterfell and part of the war, where he manages an alliance with several houses, one of them being the Freys who in exchange for passing for his lands Robb will marry one of the Freys. In addition they manage to capture in battle the fearsome Jamie Lannister, one of the best warriors in the world and so everything begins to level, and more because the young wolf seems not to know the defeat, and battle after battle is annihilating the Lannister who are surrounded of enemies.
But Robb makes some mistakes that will be his downfall, the first is to send his mother to negotiate with the two brothers Baratheon who dispute the succession of Robert and are about to enter the battle.
The oldest (Stannis) has more rights but the younger (Renly) more men. That's why Stannis with the help of a witch kills Renly treason with a shadow that was born of the red woman (the witch).
The shadow kills him when Renly was alone with Catelyn Stark and a female soldier named Brienne so they both run away to avoid being blamed. But let's go back to the second mistake of the King of the North, which was to send Theon Greyjoy, that young man who was being held hostage by his father to negotiate with his family and ask them to join him, but Theon betrays him and takes Winterfell.

Another mistake was not fulfilling his promise to marry the Freys and marry a woman who accompanied his camp and the last mistake is to let his mother release the killer, Jamie Lannister) and give it to Brienne to take him to the capital in exchange for their daughters.
Not knowing that only Sansa is in the capital, Arya is missing and nobody knows where, but we know that she is disguised as a child with a friend of her father who goes north to take people to the wall to serve in the guard of the night.
But his group is attacked by Lannister soldiers who are looking for Gendry, one of the many bastards of the late King Robert to kill him and there is no pretender to the throne that occupies Joffrey (Legitimate or Ilegitimate), Arya manages to flee with Gendry and others guys but before leaving, Arya frees 3 prisoners who were going to die burned and one of them named Jaqen H'Ghar promises Arya 3 lives and eventually when she is captured and sent with the Lannister (hiding her identity) she meets again Jaqen Arya is forced to improvise 2 times giving him 2 names to avoid being trapped and the last name she orders him to kill is Jaqen H'ghar himself, he asks her to remove his name and in return he will help her escape and give her something in return and she accepts.

Jaqen gives him a coin and asks him to remember the words "Valar Morghulis" which means "All men must die" in high valyrio and say goodbye, while that happens, the Stannis fleet commanded by his hand, a humble gentleman named Davos Seaworth arrives in the capital. They have everything in favor to take the city, but they do not have the ingenuity of Tyrion Lannister who manages to destroy his fleet with valirio fire, a terrible liquid that is very flammable, burns for a long time and is impossible to extinguish until it is consumed, see that his bodyguard a man named Sandor Clegane, terrified by fire flees, King Joffrey runs to hide leaving the defense of the city in the hands of his ingenious uncle, he despite his size directs everything until one of his soldiers try to kill.
At the orders of the queen, a soldier Lannister tried to kill him, slashed him in the face and when he was about to kill him, Podrick, his squire, saved his life. When Tyrion awakens, he discovers that his father arrived with his armies and he stole all the merit of victory, Tyrion just wants to retire and live in peace even if nobody gives him credit for it, in fact he plans to share his days with Shae, a prostitute that he has fallen in love with and they both have a loving relationship, they hide everything to protect Shae from Cersei. But everything changes when the commitment between Sansa and Joffrey is canceled since Tywinn believes that his grandson will be more powerful if they marry him with a Martell and Tyrion with Sansa, Shae becomes jealous and after the wedding the problems begin even though Tyrion does not even touch Sansa.
The war begins to lean on the side of the Lannisters, Stannis has been defeated, Renly has died and the king of the north, Robb, has instructed his vassal Lord Bolton to stop the Greyjoy and recover Winterfell (which succeeds). the men of Lord Bolton manage to recapture Jaimie Lannister and after releasing Brienne all improvement for the king Robb, he only has to redo his alliance with the Freys and maybe he can win the war and for that he proposes another marriage with his uncle and a daughter of Walder Frey. Lord Bolton the vassal of Robb Stark makes all the arrangements and the wedding takes place, but everything is a trap, The Frey and the Boltons joined the Lannister and kill Robb his wife, his mother and thus the king of the north dies, in the infamous Red Wedding.

Lord Bolton has a bastard son named Ramsey, and he discovers after tormenting Theon Greyjoy that the Starks are not yet finished, Rickon, a wild woman, Bran and a friendly giant called Walder but who nickname Hodor, secretly head north, The reason why they go is because Brandon has visions and that he can even put his consciousness into the minds of other living beings so to train those powers he decides to go to the other side of the wall in search of an ancient being. And although the idea of going through the wall and looking for his half brother Jon is tempting, they decide to follow his mission, also Jon is not on the wall, has left with other members of the guard and there discovers that white walkers still exist They are not just legends.

Like the dragons, who have returned to the world, since the 3 dragons of Daenerys are getting bigger and although they are trying to steal them, with the help of Jorah Mormont she manages to save the situation but realizes that she needs more soldiers , 3 dragons will not be enough so he decides to buy all the immaculate ones he could, the immaculate ones are the best soldiers in the world, extremely loyal and obedient, they do not know pain or suffering, so they realize how good they are, there is a story where 3 thousand immaculate ones managed to defeat 50 thousand Dothrakis, and because Daenerys is able to do with tricks of more than 8 thousand immaculate ones (and 5 thousand in training), in addition it begins to free all the slaves of the cities that it conquers and they join voluntarily to it.

But there is another army in the world that is preparing to invade Westeros, are the savages on the other side of the wall who are preparing to invade the west under the command of a man named Mance Rayder, until Jon Snow has joined them breaking their oaths He has even fallen in love with a wild woman named Ygritte but in reality Jon is pretending, he is just waiting for the opportunity to flee from the savages and go back to the wall to inform his brothers, which he achieves, although with a broken heart because he loved to Ygritte. Jon is not the only one who has fallen in love with a savage, his friend of the guard, Sam, manages to return from the other side of the wall with a savage who flees from the life on the other side of the wall, the commander of the guard has died and the crows prepare for the threat of an invasion, the invasion takes place but Jon Snow leads the resistance of the wall and manages to beat the savages, although in the battle he briefly reconnects with his beloved Ygritte, who dies in his arms.

But still the savages do not give up. They try to take the wall once more but are stopped by the forces of Stannis Baratheon who, on the advice of the red woman, heads north as she says that the danger and the real war will begin there. And while that happens, Arya who has been captured by the ex-bodyguard of Joffrey manages to escape after he loses a battle against Brienne.
She goes to a port and gives the coin to a sailor, repeats the sentence that Jaqen taught her and so she starts in her search. Brienne who has become friends with Jaime Lannister does not depart from her mission and now proposes to help Sansa but she is in the capital, where the wedding of the cruel Joffrey is being celebrated.
During the wedding he passes humiliating his uncle, even forces Tyrion to be his cupbearer and empties a glass of wine on his head to demand that he serve another, he obeys but when drinking the wine, Joffrey begins to drown and finally dies, Cersei mad with pain and anger goes to Tyrion and he is arrested.

In the confusion Sansa escapes with the help of a little finger that takes her to where her aunt with whom she has a secret relationship, we see that all this entanglement caused him when Sansa's aunt asked her to kill her husband, the king's hand before of Ned, that is, they were never the Lannister. Little finger has fallen in love with Sansa and murders her aunt and then manipulates her so that she believes he did it to defend her, in fact she helps him gain control of the Arryn Valley and then he tells her that he will help her recover Winterfell. But it does committing it in marriage and giving it to the bastard Ramsey Bolton, who by his actions his father gives him with the king's permission his last name so he is no longer an illegitimate child.
But Ramsey (before Snow now Bolton) is much worse than Joffrey. And they'll say what they want about Little finger, but it's nobody, it comes from an almost insignificant house and it's the one that's best playing the game of thrones, it already has land, a castle and when delivering Sansa it fits well with the Lannister and she, that is, the two sides of the war.

In the capital, And after the death of Joffrey, his little brother is named king and they marry him with Joffrey's ex-fiancee (Margaery Tyrell) And it turns out that the new king, Tommen Baratheon is the complete opposite of his brother, he is sweet and innocent and therefore manipulable. And the 2 queens, Cersei the queen mother and Margaery the queen Consorte are going to fight to control the king and for now Margaery wins because she can give something to Tommen that her mother does not, or maybe because the lady likes incest , but also is occupied with the trial of Tyrion. He wants to see him dead, just like his father Tywin Lannister who is the judge of the act and that is the best chance to get rid of him, the trial is a farce and Tyrion knows it but Jaime, his beloved brother pleads for him and convinces him to his father to be spared his life.

But at the last moment Shae appears, Tyrion loves her but he had despised her to protect her and his hurtful ridicule and words are too much for Tyrion, explodes (in a masterful scene) and demands a trial by combat and that the gods are the ones who decide their destiny . The problem is that nobody wants to fight for Tyrion, Jaime might do it without hesitation, but the Bolton men cut a hand to capture and apart from him, no one will support publicly because they hate him unfairly and because it would be on Lannister, but the brother of Ellia Martell, deceased wife of Rhaegar Targaryen who was murdered at the hands of a Lannister soldier called, "The Mountain", (and who is the dog's brother, that former bodyguard of Joffrey) agrees to fight for Tyrion, so he can kill the mountain and take revenge.
In the battle, Oberyn Martell, manages to defeat the mountain against all odds but instead of killing him quickly, he mocks him and that costs him his life, Tyrion is sent back to his cell waiting to be executed. But suddenly Varys appears, the spies master of the kingdom, who by order of Jaime Lannister and risking his life, shows him a passage to escape.

But while walking through the passageway he goes to his father's room and finds Shae naked, with tears in his eyes fighting her and killing her, then goes to the bathroom with a crossbow in hand and murders his father after receiving more teasing him.
And because of that Varys has to flee also for fear of facing the wrath of Cersei and thus both cross the sea.
While that happens, a kind of doctor proposes to make a strange experiment to save the Mountain, which achieves but it turns into a kind of invincible Zombie that is submitted to the will of Cersei. (This will be important)
Now let's go north where several things happen, the first is that after his courageous defense of the wall, Jon Snow is named Lord Commander of the guard and the other is that Bran has reached his destination, and begins his training to control his powers and visions.
Stannis burns his daughter on the advice of the red witch to get the favor of his god but that is too much for his men who leave him horrified.
And eventually Stannis is defeated by the Boltons and killed by Brienne, who has followed in Sansa's footsteps hoping she will escape from Winterfell and her husband Ramsey Bolton and thus help her.
And Ramsey is a sadist who likes to torture and skin people, every day there Sansa is in danger and suffers. Ramsey becomes Lord of Winterfell because, taking advantage of the fact that he is already a legitimate son, he kills his father, then looks for his stepmother who carries his father's heir in his arms and also kills her by throwing her to hungry dogs.
Theon Greyjoy, the one who betrayed Robb Stark and took Winterfell has been tortured by Ramsey for years, in fact Ramsey castrates him and tortures him to such a degree that he steals all will, but even so in a last act of courage he helps Sansa to flee of Winterfell.
In the capital, a religious group arrests Cersei for incest or the rumors of this and forces her to walk naked through the streets to cleanse her sins, she learns from that mistake and never separates herself from her giant zombie bodyguard; The mountain.

Not so the new Queen Margaery who is arrested thanks to the intrigues of Cersei, and now he can manipulate everything, in fact he asks Jaime, his brother and lover to go rescue his daughter Myrcella who is a guest in Dorne and as the Oberyn's widow lives there, fears for her life and is not wrong, since the widow of Oberyn wants revenge on the Lannister, killing the small and sweet Myrcella, which is achieved through a slow-acting poison that manages to give giving a kiss to say goodbye to her and give her to Jamie.
On the other side of the sea Daenerys discovers that Jorah was a spy when he began to help her and although he stopped being and fell in love with her, she banishes him and he desperately captures Tyrion Lannister and goes in search of her to forgive him when they give it to him but on the way he contracts leprosy, in addition they are captured by slave traders and in the end they are forced to fight like gladiators and destiny wanted in a fight is Daenerys that accepts Tyrion as his advisor but again rejects Jorah.
A collective called "The children of the Harpy", manages to set a trap to kill Daenerys but when her forces are about to lose a battle, she is rescued by one of her dragons that takes her away and leaves in a deserted area where a Dothraki horde finds her, they respect her as the widow of Khal Drogo but they take her to live the rest of her days in a city dedicated to old women and widows but Jorah, Gray Worm, captain of her immaculate, and a mercenary lover of her called Daario Naharis are going to rescue her. They arrive at the city where they have captured her but she locks herself in a tent and burns with all the Khals, she walks out among the fire and all the dhotrakhis warriors swear allegiance to her. At last he has a great army and is ready to recover the iron throne. Before he forgives Jorah and discovers that he is infected with leprosy, so he orders him to find a cure and return to his side to recover the iron throne and he promises to do so and leaves.
She leaves Daario in charge of the cities she has already conquered and crosses the sea.
But there is another great army that plans to conquer the world, the one of the dead, those zombies that live on the other side of the wall that commanded by the king of the night march towards the south, in fact Jon Snow after forming an alliance with the savages, barely escapes from them, some members of the night watch are at odds with their policies of including savages and conspiring to kill Jon Snow, set him up a trap by assuring him that there is news of his uncle and when he approaches unarmed to investigate, they kill him. Davos Seaworth, the one who was Stannis' hand, Melissandre the red witch, ghost the Jon's wolf and a few men loyal to him, decide to entrench themselves with his body, Melissandre asks them to try an old spell and leave her alone, and suddenly Jon returns from death.

As the guard's oath is for life and Jon is dead, he leaves his position after executing the traitors and goes with Sansa to try to recover Winterfell from the evil Ramsey Bolton. For the battle Jon and Sansa try to summon their father's vassals but very few help them, Jon is a bastard and Sansa was married to a Lannister and now with a Bolton, among the few who lend them help is the little one but fierce and brave Lyana Mormont.
Some wild a giant and few men show up to confront Ramsey, who refuses a single combat against Jon arguing that Snow is the best swordsman in the world, his actions are legendary and as Ramsey has many more men, they will give him the victory and he's right, because after murdering little Rickon Stark in front of Jon, his forces are about to win what the world knew as The Battle of the Bastards, which by the way is considered by many to be the most epic episode of the series (Until now). But at the last minute appears Little finger with Sansa and the Arryn Valley forces and they manage to tip the balance on the side of the Stark who manage to recover Winterfell and kill Ramsey Bolton.

But wait for a Stark is missing, it is Arya who is suffering from the other side of the sea, is trying to become a person who changes his face as Jaqen H'ghar, and little by little it is transformed into a lethal warrior although when he leaves the Instead, they try to kill her so she takes revenge on Jaqen.
On the other hand, Theon Greyjoy and his sister join the Daenerys side, while their uncle Euron Greyjoy after murdering his brother is named king of the iron islands and allies himself with Cersei Lannister, who is put on trial by the religious of the city, but she sets a trap killing all Valirio fire and step Maergery Tyrell, the wife of his son, the friendly King Tommen, who is fed up with everything committed suicide and Cersei is named after herself Queen of the 7 kingdoms

But let's go back to the Stark, to Brandon who continues his training as a clairvoyant and that cost him the life of a couple of his traveling companions, including the cute half-giant Hodor. And through his visions and training, Bran discovers very important things, one of which is that the children of the forest, those first inhabitants of the world, were the ones who created the white walkers when they were at war with humans. And in another vision he sees something very important for his family, it turns out that he sees that in reality Prince Rhaegar never abducted his aunt Lyana, in fact both fell in love and had an illegitimate child, that illegitimate son is Jon Snow, (although technically it would be Jon Sand) But later he discovers that Jon is not an illegitimate child, because Rhaegar and Lyana were in love and secretly married after he annulled their previous marriage, so Jon is the true heir to the iron throne and his real name it's Aegon Targaryen. Only Ned Stark knew the truth but to protect the child and for fear that King Robert murdered the little heir to the throne, he promised his sister before she died that he would take care of him, and that is why he took him north and He made him go through his bastard.
But while Bran discovers that, in the north the gentlemen get together they are planning their next strategy now that the Stark have recovered the north, at first they plan to defend themselves from the Lannister but Jon tells them that the king of the night is the one they should worry about and so all the northern gentlemen name Jon as King of the North, they call him the white wolf and they swear allegiance to him, but Jon is very different from all the great lords, he is someone centered, fair and nothing proud, but above all he thinks of the good of his people.
On another side Sam, the friend of friend Jon trains to become a kind of doctor is accompanied by Gilly the wild girl who rescued, both or rather she finds evidence that Jon is not a bastard but also and by chance, Sam is he meets Jorah Mormont, his illness is very advanced and he only has to wait, but Sam risks his life and he cures him by meticulously tearing out the contagious skin.
Jorah is ready to return with her beloved Daenerys Targaryen.
Those who are also back are Bran and Arya, the latter after avenging his brother Robb of the fate he suffered at the red wedding, murders all Frey and returns to Winterfell where little finger true to his habit, begins to conspire against her and to put Sansa against him, here we can see again the lethal thing that is the small Arya, and that is why pinkie must get rid of it taking advantage of Jon is not in Winterfell.
But where is the King of the North?
Well, he has traveled to meet Daenerys Targaryen when he meets her, she demands loyalty but he refuses and asks permission to extract dragonglass that is in a deposit below Dragonstone (where she has settled) tells him that the dragonglass is of the few ways there are to kill zombies but she does not believe him. But remember that in the wall, Jon and Tyrion Lannister form a kind of friendship, because thanks to him that is the hand of Queen Daenerys and the hand of Jon himself (Davos Seaworth) get permission to get dragonglass and step Dany is begins to fix on Jon.
And to prove that there are white walkers, Jon travels with his friends north to capture one but they almost die if Daenerys and his dragons do not rescue them even though it costs him one of his dragons to die and the king of the night transforms him in zombie The plan is to bring a living dead to Cersei so there will be an epic meeting although the confrontation between the Dothrakis and the Lannister is inevitable and the latter lose in a humiliating way thanks to the dragons of Daenerys.

And after that takes place the epic meeting between Cersei, Daenerys and against all odds, Jon Snow the bastard arrives as the best warrior in the world and the king of the north and the 3 begin to deliberate. The plan is to join momentarily and fight the white walkers, seeing the zombie Cersei is terrified and agrees to ally with Jon and Daenerys and together defeat the king of the night and his army of the dead, but it is a trap, plans to betray them and reveals everything to Jaime that fed up with his intrigues decides to go north to fight against the dead.
In Winterfell they wait for the return of Jon Snow, but little finger has been creating conflict between the Stark sisters, and everything comes to such tension that Arya is summoned by Sansa who acts as Mrs. Winterfell, but in reality it is a trick, because they are executed It's a Little Finger.
Bran reveals his powers and tells him that he saw the time he betrayed his father, Littlefinger tries to ask for mercy and kneels but Arya kills him once and for all and while that happens Jon and Danenerys spend the night together on the ship that brings them back home.

Without knowing that the king of the dead mounted on his dragon has managed to tear down the only frontier that could hinder the advance of the dead, with the help of his dragon the wall collapses and winter, death and darkness come to Westeros with the intention to destroy everything.
And that's where the last season ends.
This is all you need to know to understand Game of Thrones.
What will be the reunion between Jon and Arya?
Will Jon finally know the truth of his origin?
Will the terrible and cruel Cersei succeed in defeating the northerners?
Will they defeat the king of the night?
Whose iron throne will it be?
and finally, who will survive the last season?
For now and after more than 20 hours of writing, we have achieved the impossible, make a summary of all Game Of Thrones.
Now to wait a few hours the end of the series to know all the answers and get excited for the last time with Game of Thrones.

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