The Fastest way to install OBB data file on Android
Dream League Soccer Classic 1Click OBB Installer includes Dream League Soccer Classic's apk file (49M) and OBB file (79M).
Obb is the data file of an Android App, especially in Android Game. Some games can not run without the obb file. Usually we need copy the apk and obb file to our phone, then move the obb file to the folder it should be in. So the question is coming, how to copy obb to the folder?
Yes, we can try it on PC, but you must download or transfer the apk and obb file to PC. So, we may think we can try it on my phone, but you know how difficult it is to copy file and move file on phone, we have to download another file manager. Then we have to search the file manager again....wooo..... tooooo many steps.
And , I find this: 1Click Obb Installer. In it's site said: download the apk and obb file together, and just one click to install them together. woo, that's would be cool. i tried this: Dream League Soccer Classic APK + OBB
Bad software !cheetah ban
have you tried this ? it works well on many of our users' phone, why you say it is bad software!!!!
it is a great tool to help people install obb file.