Hvordan man holder våbenindustrien i gang - Dr. Caron Rosin - Major-General Smedley Darlington Butler

in #nwo2 months ago

Man kan altid finde en god årsag til at holde våbenindustrien i gang. Og tjene penge. Mange penge.

Tankerne på dronerne over USA siden slutningen af november 2024.

Dr. Carol Rosin - The Disclosure Project
Rosin Amerikansk futurist and military strategist. Talsmand for Wernher Von Braun

Business Plot

Smedley Butler

War Is a Racket

War Is a Racket - Audio Book

Flashback: At UN, Reagan wished for alien invasion to unite people on Earth

Dato: Sept. 24, 2013
About 26 years ago, America’s 40th president brought science fiction to the floor of the United Nations.

"During a speech before the United Nations in 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke longingly for the world unity that would happen if aliens invaded Earth."