in #nutrition7 years ago

images(3).jpgFood is one of the basic needs of man.It is a provision that the creator has given to us in all ways.It is important to pay attention to what we feed on because according to popular adage,"we are what we eat".Many health challenges have directly or indirectly being related to food intake.

** The field of medicine today is really focusing more than ever before on food because even doctors believe that certain diseases can be prevented by a good diet while some can also be treated naturally without medical assistance just by a good counseling on nutrition.It is because of this that dieticians,nutritionist,food scientists are now getting involved more with or in the medical field.**

Some people are too busy to mind what they eat.Excuses centre on jobs and career,family,school,social involvements and other commitments due to this some people don't feed well.Another reason is financial limitation as many wish to eat well but hindered because of money factor.Yes I agree that all these affects people in one way or the other to reach altitude to good nutrition but I want to quickly add that to a good level,things can change if our understanding is being enlightened.

we need to pay attention to our health and this is the reason we should place food in a great height before it comes to other things because when body system fails,even commitments and other business that keeps us from eating properly will have to halt until the body is strong.This is the reason why they say "health is wealth"so don't go about stressing yourself and leaving good food behind because later on if the health fails,the work stops. Also on the area of money,it is not every time that food that good food depends on big money.The most important thing is the quality of what we eat.images(2).jpg
##Balanced diet
This is a meal that contains all classes of food in their right proportion. A typical balanced diet contains carbohydrate,protein,fats and oil, vitamins,minerals and water.Whenever all this are well balanced,there is an advantage of promotion of the State of the body system but whenever one or more of this is not enough or absent or in excess,then it creates an environment to the body that can affect health negatively.Due to this,it is important to know the classes of food,their nutrient sources, functions and what happens when they are not well balanced.
Carbohydrate,protein and fats and oil are macro-nutrient because they are needed in large quantity.

Vitamins and minerals:they are often referred to as micronutrients because they are need in small quantity yet they are crucially needed.

Water is a universal entity whose function far outweighs nutrition but also useful for other things e.g washing,clothing,cooking, planting e.t.c but in this topic it is use for drinking and it helps digestion and cushion the internal organs.Excessive water intake is rare except in case of drowning which could lead to hypokalemia,over hydration e.t.c but the common water related diseases occur from poor water intake such as constipation,dehydration,renal diseases e.t.c
Water has a great function to the body and is even naturally preferred in certain mild ailments such as dry cough,mild diarrhoea.

##Some fruits and their benefits
1.Banana--It provides energy,maintains heartbeat,proper water balance,improves oxygen circulation to brain and this is important to students and it helps to be more alert.Presence of it soluble fibre helps stop constipation.

2.Mango-It prevent several kinds of cancer

3.Oranges-for vision and great skin.

4.Apples-Resistance against infections.It also contains antioxidants that fight against cancer

5.Grapes-It helps to relax blood vessels
Watermelon-control heart rate and maintain cardiovascular system.

6.Pineapple-It fight arthritis,give energy important muscle and nervous functions,it also contains manganese; a mineral that the body cannot produce and thus provide good bone and teeth.

7.Lime-aids digestion and can also be added to drinking water for this function

8.Walnut-decreases heart diseases such as diabetes.

three photos added from google


6.Pineapple-It fight arthritis,give energy important muscle and nervous functions,it also contains manganese; a mineral that the body cannot produce and thus provide good bone and teeth.

I love the fruit to the fullest and with your post I hve learnt more about pineapple