Why proper digestion of proteins will keep you away from lifestyle diseases and TIPS to easily digest proteins!

in #nutrition7 years ago (edited)

Undigested protein in your intestine are a time bomb awaiting for the immune system to detect and react against it... it can contribute to dysbiosis (unbalanced gut flora) and hyper permeability of your the intestine... Since 70% of your immune system is along the gastro-intestinal track, if your intestine becomes hyper permeable, the inflammatory reaction is triggered because the immune system reacts with the undigested proteins and this opens the door for any lifestyle diseases (chronic diseases) depending on your genetic susceptibilities.

The most important thing for proteins digestion, is stomach acidity! This acidity is essentiel for the activity of the enzyme called pepsin which is the first step of protein digestion in the stomach. Moreover, the acid pH of the stomach content once in the duodenum (first part of the small intestine) also signals the pancreas and intestin to secrete other enzymes that digest further the proteins. Studies show that after the age of 30 years old (particularly sick or overweight individuals) or in elderly people the stomach produces 30% less acid (Feldman et al. 1996)...This, as you doubt, decreases the efficacy fo protein digestion, especially in large amount... For this reason, I suggest making sure you know what to do to keep your pH acidic to help proper digestion.

Here are my top 3 tips to make sure your have good stomach acidity:

  1. Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar,
    The No. 1 thing you can do to start to balance this pH in your stomach is use apple cider vinegar right before your meals. This is so easy and cheap! Just carry with you a small bottle of apple cider vinegar. I would take 1-2 tablespoons and just a very small amount of water. Apple cider vinegar is a great natural remedy because apple cider vinegar has a very low pH in balance with your stomach.

  2. Take Digestive Enzymes
    The No. 2 step you want to start taking to improve your stomach acid are digestive enzymes. I would get a good digestive enzyme blend and take one to 1-2 caps right before your meal. You could even take that with the apple cider vinegar. Digestive enzymes will help you fully break down those nutrients you ingest. This is a good strategy for big meals, or when you feel tired or sick. In other words, when you know your metabolism is not optimal.

  3. Chew Your Food Thoroughly and Eat Smaller Meals
    This is simple, but so important for optimal digestion...

So remember, you need stomach acid. It’s good for you. And you want balanced levels. If you follow these tips for low stomach acid it will allow your to stay healthier longer!

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Feldman, M. A. R. K., Cryer, B. Y. R. O. N., McArthur, K. E., Huet, B. A., & Lee, E. D. W. A. R. D. (1996). Effects of aging and gastritis on gastric acid and pepsin secretion in humans: a prospective study. Gastroenterology, 110(4), 1043-1052.