In The Loop for Injured Nurses: Who Am I

in #nurses8 years ago

Who am I? I am a wife, mother, Christian, and by profession, a registered nurse. I enjoyed taking care of and teaching patitents. It gave me the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life. I looked forward to going to work everyday and making an honest living to help support my four children, that are now grown and on their own.

However, in 2005 I incurred a serious injury on the job. Since the injury, my life has not been the same. After my Workers Compensation settlement, I wasn't eligible for any benefits. That hurt our lifestyle big time. But thanks to God, I'm still here. In The Loop for Injured Nurses was born out of the pain, suffering, and experiences I have endured from being injured and disabled. It is the place that I share information, talk about my journey and connect with nurses or people who understand. I talk about everything, just like we're old friends.

I have been on Youtube since early this year. I make mistakes but, I don't care. I just want to touch the hearts of those who are often forgotten. Okay, I also love to write. So I reach out to others. This injured nurse won't be silenced. I recently joined Instagram as well.

I'm going to love sharing my videos or powerpoint presentations with you. They are stories written by me, not the graphics. As soon as I learn to navigate here. I will also support others on steemit. In the future, when I profit on any platform, I will seek out injured nurses to assist them momentarily with a portion of my earnings. If you see my videos, you'll have a better understanding why. Get to know me because here I come, steemit family.

“A nurse’s experience, mind, and professionalism is a terrible thing to waste.”
Corinthians Williams, RN, Injured Nurse
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