in #nurse4 years ago


Coronavirus is a RNA virus which belong to subfamily Orthocoronavirinae they are basically emcapsulated viruses which is composed of fat. They basically in human causes respiratory illeness like flu cough from mild to moderate and severe in some cases in which person is unable maintain its oxygen saturation which can cause death if not treated.


the earliest case of coronavirus was discovered in 1920 when acute respiratory illness was discoverd in chicken in north america. aterward 40 years later human corona virus was discoverd in 1960 in united kingdom and united states. afterwards its epidemic projected in 2003 and now in decemmber 2019 it was discovered in wuhan china.


IT is large roughly spherical and has unique surface projections.. Its outer surface is made up of lipid (fat). its has two proteins E and M which are structural proteins to maiantain is shape.. The M protein has binding site that binds to humans. on average corona virus hai 74 different spike proteins. its is positive sense single stranded RNA virus


you may all know its transmission is by Respiratory droplets. infected person when cough his repiratory droplets sheds in environment and if you touch the contaminated surface and then touch your nose mouth ear then you get infected basically the secretions of the infected person makes you sick you get infected only if you get in contact with an infected person afterwards virus replicates in your body it takes about 4 to 5 days sometimes more or less and you get infected

And if you are having these symptoms just simply seprate yourself from others so that they wont get it from you. older people and people who are immunodeficit are suspectible to worst of disease
if you are young and healthy don't worry it will pass its time and you will be good to go.and please take extra care of your elders..


The main symptoms of coronavirus are badically flu like

1.cought ( dry cough )
5.Dirrahae in some cases
ps : not all cough are are of corona and if you are having all these symptoms don't panic not evedy flu is corona.


First of all don't panic you just have to follow these steps and you are good to go

• Take multivitamin beacuse they enhance your immunity
• Take sunlight daily for 15 to 20 minutes for vitamin D
• Drink hot beverages like tea coffe kehwa
• Walk or exercise
• if you are having cough or flu take Antiallergic medicine
• Antibiotic like azithromycin for superadded bacterial infections

** ps its better if you consult a specialist doctor also and maintain isolation please


Please isolate yourself and take extracare of your elders..

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