in #nuclear6 years ago

Simple Drills - Simple Skills


The threat from Nuclear Devastation hasn't gone away and it will probably never go away.... This is especially true for our most troubled hotspots in the world... such as from
North Korea | Iran | Russia | China and the ever tensioned India vs Pakistan Stand-off.
Any of these may escalate out of proportion into your back-yard...

So, how do you know if you are about to be NUKED? Well, no doubt there will be a build up of hostilities and tension somewhere in the world. It may start with theatre-specific, tactical nuclear weapons, then very quickly escalate to strategic, Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), so then threatening 'Home-Soil '.
... After that we wait! .................................

Image courtesy of

The only warning you may receive will be the actual device detonating, or your Air Attack Warning, mostly in the form of a siren.... This used to be known in the U.K. as 'The 4 Minute Warning' – because that's what you were theoretically given before the big balloon went up!
Nowadays you are more likely to be notified by text message!
If you are lucky enough to hear or receive a warning, then you may be in a better position to carry out some form of Immediate Action Drill.
You could be anywhere, with only your Every Day Carry (EDC) to count on. Depending on how far away you are will obviously depend on your survivability.... IF you survive. No matter what warning you get, I would carry out the following basic actions:

  • Close Eyes
  • Drop To the ground, facing downwards
  • Place your hands under your body
  • Remain flat until both phases of the blast wave has passed you

Nuclear Attack Immediate Action.JPG
Image courtesy of

There will be a flash first, followed by an intense heat wave. This will be followed by the shock and blast wave, carrying with it debris from its path of destruction...
This is known as the Positive Wave.
Wait in position! As a Secondary Wave, will follow, but in the opposite direction. A' kind of 'Sucking' wave, drawn towards ground zero. This is known as the Negative Wave and can be just as powerful.
If you have a respirator with you, put it on to avoid breathing in Fall-out.
Move to Cover and carry out NUCLEAR decontamination.
The main subsequent risk will be from dirt or water that has been drawn up with the hot air rising from the explosion, which has now become radioactive.
The heavier debris will fall back to earth close to Ground Zero and the lighter particles will be carried by the wind, being distributed as a carpet of FALL-OUT.....

Hiroshima Aftermath.jpg

You can remove this fall-out by BRUSHING | WIPING | DUSTING or SHAKING off the dust, but ensure you do this in an area which will not pose a future hazard.

We've seen the confusion and panic that have ensued since the false attack warning in Hawaii. We saw people in a complete panic, even placing their children in sewers and storm drains.

Hawaii Missile False Alert.jpg

Don't get caught out amongst the confusion.

  • You'll only have a matter of Seconds or Minutes, so forget your possessions! Forget trying to get ANYWHERE!
  • Look instead for depressions in the ground if you can and within your immediate vicinity.
  • Keep away from buildings and any other form of structure if possible.
  • Close your eyes and brace.............wait....................
  • You could be lying there for seconds or minutes, so don't let up until either the All Clear has been given or the attack happens.

Hopefully it'll give you the edge and you will survive! If you are out in your vehicle then it may be a good idea to keep some form of head protection handy, such as a:

Cyclying helmet | Climbing helmet | Or even a dedicated Ballistic military helmet

So..... hope this was of some use to anyone out there who is concerned as to what to do...
Questions or constructive comments below please...
Good Luck & Stay Alert.

Close Eyes | Drop To the ground | Hands under body | Remain flat for both blast waves


Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Another great article, PVUK.
Keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks man.... Got a flood of Questions after the Hawaii false attack, so thought i'd put it down on a Post. For any further queries.