Did everyone forget Fukushima is still leaking?

in #nuclear7 years ago

Did you ever think that something that took place thousands and thousands of miles away could influence you and your family? From personal experience , I've learned that most people don't worry about natural disasters that occur across our oceans. Most people either think that if it's not happening in their backyards it's not their problem or they really just do not care. It's a terrible mind-set to have but unfortunately it seems to be the normal lately. It does matter and it is my hope that my blog reaches and helps someone understand that we all live on this Earth together and everything that happens here on Earth will affect all of us in some form or another eventually.
March 11th 2011 Fukushima Diaichi prefecture located in Okuma, Japan endured a 9.0 magnitude earthquake which resulted in a massive tsunami that devastated the land and killed 15,0000 people along with caused once of the worst environmental disaster's in modern human history that we know about, Fukushima. I don't even like to type that name out because it makes me sick just thinking about it. I'm sure at this point most people are familiar with the name but I really don't think people know what it has done and still is doing.
The tsunami disabled the emergency generators at the Fukushima nuclear facility resulting in three reactors to meltdown which then exploded causing a massive amount nuclear waste to be dumped into the Pacific Ocean. As if three melting down wasn't bad enough a few days later on March 15th 2011 a fourth suffered damage as well. Now we are being told there is around 300 tons of radioactive water being dumped daily into the ocean. 530 Sieverts per hour. Now understand only four Sieverts could kill a handful of humans instantly. So imagine 540?Let’s put it this way(because I'm far from an expert) the radioactive chemicals are so strong that one of the most sophisticated robots that technology has to offer can't last more than hour at the facility, because of this the source can't be sealed and the deadly toxins are continuing to be leaked to this day six years later. It seems everyone forgot!
Knowing this would you eat fish that came from the Pacific? Would you eat it knowing it was farmed around the vicinity? Think about it. Where do you buy your fish? If you’re like me I always go to frozen section and pick up some fish that’s vacuumed sealed individually, normally costing around $10.00 for two pounds. Or I’ll go down the can aisle and pick some tuna up not even thinking twice. I never thought to check the back of the package to see where its being produced from. Why would I? You would think that if there’s a problem it wouldn’t be on the shelf, right?
It wasn’t until I came across a news clip from Fox news, which was only a few months ago, that got my head thinking. So, I went back to few local stores and literally checked all frozen fish packages. I’m sure everyone thought I was crazy but that’s beside the point. I wanted to know! And now I want you and everyone you know to know. I found that almost every package came from the Asian Pacific coast, or the Alaskan Pacific coast. I was disgusted, angry and confused on why this is happening. I don’t have the answers as to why they allowing this or selling this contamination as edible. Even if they say it’s not that bad, I don’t agree. It is that bad and it will get worse. My advice is to steer clear of Pacific fish all together. Have you seen the pictures of the mutations that the fish now have? Its pretty disturbing.Which absolutely is crazy because this should have never of happened to begin with. Why would you build a nuclear facility in an earthquake zone to begin with let alone in the middle of the ocean? It blows my mind.
Japanese officials stated that it would cost an estimated 300 Billion and four decades to clean up this mess. However, I have yet to find a plan on how they intend to clean it up. They can’t even stop the leak.
Know your ocean, know where your food is coming from, know what is happening on this earth. It matters more than you think. We all live here together.
50% of the oxygen from photosynthesis is produced by the ocean
44% of Earth’s population lives within 100 miles of the coast
90% of international trade travels by sea
95% of the ocean is unexplored
90% of heat from global warming has been absorbed by the ocean
Food for thought. Literally.15171010935801973969903.jpg