Close Up Photography: Tree Sap

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)

ntopaz-image-0ntopaz-image-1ntopaz-image-2Here I came to watch the tree sap that was already stuck on the fallen tree side. I was amazed by the way it formed, still wet when I came here so it gave me a great chance to see the detail of the tree sap. It stuck around the tree side, while the camera sees another side of this subject, I mean thru the lens with the right position, it eventually possessed its own beauty and deserved to be exposed. That's why I insisted to keep shooting this subject as I thought, this tree sap with its substances could be giving out a sense of stunning photography subject.

Theoretically, the tree sap distinct from latex or rubber that can be manufactured while this sap is not used for that purpose. It is just a normal sap that can be found in many trees. I confused to find a correct name of this subject as it has a lot of kinds such as latex, rubber, sap, gum, mucus which each of them has distinction purpose and function. So, I just want to have you around my subject and find the detail of my captures.

CameraNikon D7000
CategoryClose Up Photography
LensVR II AFP 18-55mm

Interesante enfoque a la savia recién húmeda, es realmente increíble el poder capturarla en el momento exacto, muchas veces es de diferentes colores dependiendo de las sales minerales que absorbe, pero siempre es encontrada en las cortezas de los árboles; ellas contienen bastante agua, azucares y minerales es por eso que se ha convertido en el líquido encargado de la nutrición en las Plantas. Interesante lo que acabas de lograr con tu cámara, poco como esto en la plataforma.


gracias por el aprecio...

Ka mulai meu'en sajan tukang meu sinso jinoe sang 😀

hahha...rata sagoe payh tameuen kali nyoe

Hey there @abduhawab. You've got good photography skills. You could have written more; I urge you to write a more informative review next time. Thanks for contributing to the realityhubs community.

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