I am happy that you appreciate the quality of this photo because I think our photographer did a great job with post production to create a very special atmosphere.
***edited :) Looking better to her :) ... nice hair movement :) ...
***and looks that her pose have also other name: reverse warrior.
*** A question :) when you make the pose with right or left arm raised, the pose name are the same? Thanks
A beautiful Urdhva Virabhadrasana2 With an Natarajasana . Today he is the Lorce d of the Dance :)
And again ... excelent colours in photo
Well done, the girl is indeed doing a variation on Urdhva Virabhadrasana 2 and I am the Lord of the Dance in this picture. Congrats on another win, you're quite the expert in yoga poses. Do you do yoga yourself?
The stormy background really sets it off well against the two foreground main artists, great pictures.
Would love to show such art off within the red light centre artwork buildings.
Maybe I'll buy you 3 months free VIP premium membership within the game, purchased Via VIT tokens and u might take a look:)
Nice, that is a really creative name for the photo! As a matter of fact I posed this photo on my Instagram account (https://www.instagram.com/nakedyogachannel/) as well with the question to come with a name for the photo and I think you nailed it!
I don't know the name of this pose but just want to upvote this quality post. Excellent.
I am happy that you appreciate the quality of this photo because I think our photographer did a great job with post production to create a very special atmosphere.
***edited :) Looking better to her :) ... nice hair movement :) ...
***and looks that her pose have also other name: reverse warrior.
*** A question :) when you make the pose with right or left arm raised, the pose name are the same? Thanks
A beautiful Urdhva Virabhadrasana2 With an Natarajasana . Today he is the Lorce d of the Dance :)
And again ... excelent colours in photo
Well done, the girl is indeed doing a variation on Urdhva Virabhadrasana 2 and I am the Lord of the Dance in this picture. Congrats on another win, you're quite the expert in yoga poses. Do you do yoga yourself?
tks my friend. I love Yoga and I think it helps body and mind. But I am not expert like you both are :)
[ YOGA POSE GIVEAWAY ] - The 1st Person to Correctly Guess this Pose will Receive 10,000 VITP from Me... Let me know who the Winner is Yogi:)
@steemcocas is on a roll and takes today's prize again :)
10,000 VITP has been Transferred to @steemcocas .
The stormy background really sets it off well against the two foreground main artists, great pictures.

Would love to show such art off within the red light centre artwork buildings.
Maybe I'll buy you 3 months free VIP premium membership within the game, purchased Via VIT tokens and u might take a look:)
I may get overworked with managing all those different platforms ;) If only we could make touch.tube a one-stop-shop for everything..
Bridge over troubled waters??
Nice name :)
This is the impossibility pose of a poor farmer and a rich aristocrat.
Nice, that is a really creative name for the photo! As a matter of fact I posed this photo on my Instagram account (https://www.instagram.com/nakedyogachannel/) as well with the question to come with a name for the photo and I think you nailed it!
good coordination in that pose
Thank you. We were experimenting with poses that we could combine in a duo shoot and we were pleasantly surprised with how this one came out.