Elegance on sunday NSFW-part of the photosession
the NSFW-part of the photoshooting in halofarms Aether suite "shadowrooms" i've split them apart from the main set because of reasons, so here they are... please refer to the SFW-part at https://steemit.com/skyrimle/@ceares-creations/elegance-on-sunday-photoshoot-in-skyrimle of the photosession to find the exlanation / information about the why and the reason for the photoset...

this pics are done for testing purposes, checking the skin-textures of the chara, the different material expressions of the clothes, and the general photo expression with the new slightly modified Snapdragon-ENB in SkyrimLE under different lighting situations

this kind of approach is new to me, a more realistic looking / expressing ENB-config, more quality oriented and as a new base for material- and cloth-development for SkyrimLE...i cant provide SkyrimSE, especially this "cloth-set" does not work in SSE... because of changes that Bethesda did made to their new (game) engine of SSE... lots of my developments only work and will work in SkyrimLE, this old engine is able to many things more then SSE... which will take years to get similiar feature rich to overcome SkyrimLE