Psychic Economics: Episode 1487

in #noxsoma2 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1421
Monday 20, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1487
**Noxsoma Life Camp:

Psychic Economics

We really believe that over half of the stuff we talk about while walking from point A to point B should be taught in schools. However, We don't know that it's not. It's been a long time since your boy has been incarcerated in the constricting halls of the public (government) indoctrination system. Back then the State wanted "Good Citizens." There was even a column for "citizenship" on our report cards. Another one of the stress-inducing elements of being in the "system." We knew kids that would get paid for every "A" they got on a report card. One semester, in sixth grade, and classmate got the grades meant for me. They weren't great. This kid literally cried about it. (Side note: This kid's name was Joel, Noel in French, so I called him Christmas. I was a smart-azz way back then. Imagine calling a Jewish kid "Christmas." Stand-up Irony.)

If you're following our series, first of all thank you. Second of all, remember your daily affirmations. Just a reminder. It's magic, but not hocus-pocus magic. We'll give you the layout in this drop. There are some other goodies in today's episode as well.

We've figured out another Substack feature. The "app" generates clips from the exclusive content for free subscribers... to "entice you" in. [Another side note: This is just like they do on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, (I used to live there). Pictures of the dancers outside, to get you inside.] You can sample what we're talking about and decide for yourself.

There's really much more to it, than what it appears, but we don't have the words to describe it yet.


Today's Episode:

Supporting with Venmo (@noxsoma) helps to sustain the project.

Subscribe on Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]

SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack & Patreon channels as well.

3 & Out - Saturday Ep 008 -

Hard Not Heavy - Friday Ep-007 -

Snuck one in for shoulders today - Park 5 Thorsday -

Longevity Propaganda MBB-02: Wed -

Muscle Confusion in the Park - Mon -

100 Longevity Minutes - Sabado Ep-006 -

Frantic Friday - More with Less Ep-005 -

Longevity Training Park-03 Wednesday -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Living is the best part of life.

noxsoma life camp, zen mysticism, serenity year, vagabond philosopher, humanity for the win, longevity, fitness, health, consciousness