Longevity Experts: Episode 1488
Full Metal Ox Day 1423
Tuesday 21, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1488
**Noxsoma Life Camp: https://noxsoma.substack.com/
Longevity Experts
Just what we need. More experts. Followers of this series know that your humble vagabond has an interest in longevity. However not, canned longevity. It's been over a quarter century that I've been following longevity researchers. One of the originals I followed back in the day, as far as I know is still alive. It takes millionaires to fund longevity research, privately, because the government doesn't want to be burdened with a population of useless centenarians gumming their microwave meals in nursing homes between drips.
As much as I admired Jimmy Carter for reaching the century, he looked awful. The last photo I saw of him looked like a corpse and the conspiracy demon believes that JC was kept on life support just to reach the hundred year mark. Now we're rooting for 99 year old Dick Van Dyke to make it through this year. Will he still be standing in December? Let alone working.
There's a division of longevicists that are transhumanists. They advocate melding with digital electronics to extend life. That's not for yours truly. Then there are the marketing gurus that want the longevity-minded public to subscribe to (experimental) products and services in order to extend their golden years indefinitely.
I'm not certain, but I think Kirk Douglas (Issur Danielovitch) lived to be 103 years of age. Douglas was, (I believe, an Ashkenazi) Jew. I bring this up because the Ashkenazim are reputed to be long lived. At least one researcher was doing longevity studies on this population. I don't know if any conclusions have been determined.
Your mystical vagabond intends to spend another three centuries in this vessel. One day at a time through the power of intention and avoiding the poisons that break down the system. We shall see. I think longevity is more common (albeit in remote areas) than we think. Every so often someone with 13 decades shows up and is immediately doubted. At this point, I don't think I'd brag about due to a combination of being superstitious and completely, (by that time anyway) distrusting humans (under 100).
Anyway, it's Super Power Tuesday. In addition to a short clip on longevity, which isn't really about longevity, we have some more super affirmations for you. We're polishing up Season 15 of Full Metal Ox. We are refining the fuel we are going to need to get us through the second half of the decade. Take the hit. Let's Thrive in 25.
Today's Episode: https://rumble.com/v6b9nv1-longevity-experts-full-metal-ox-day-1423.html
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives
Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/user/noxsoma
YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack & Patreon channels as well.
3 & Out - Saturday Ep 008 -
Hard Not Heavy - Friday Ep-007 -
Snuck one in for shoulders today - Park 5 Thorsday -
Longevity Propaganda MBB-02: Wed -
Muscle Confusion in the Park - Mon -
100 Longevity Minutes - Sabado Ep-006 -
Frantic Friday - More with Less Ep-005 -
Longevity Training Park-03 Wednesday -
Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!
Contact: [email protected]
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Living is the best part of life.