Cretem(크레템) - Untitled

in #nowplaying7 years ago (edited)

In the early 2015, Billy and I were preparing ourselves for our very first proper recording sessions at Acrylic Recording studio in King City, Canada. This is the last song we came up for the album and did not have any idea for the title so we left it as "Untitled". I finished the lyrics the night before our first recording day. Everything happened at the last minute. After years of playing in bands, I have come to face the reality that what I dreamt in my teenage years is probably not going to happen as I wished. And this was the common topic among my friends when we go out for drinking. Most of my friends that I have met through the rock scene have day jobs now, yet they still play music whenever they can. Not just random jam sessions but playing live gigs and recording songs, still trying to make it. This song is exactly about that. Still playing with passion just because you have so much love in music. It may not be as glorious as you might have thought but that is okay. We continue on playing music and it brings us joy, something to dream of.

이 곡은 2015년 초, 앨범을 준비할때 제일 막바지에 작업한 곡입니다. 녹음전날 저녁에 가사랑 멜로디도 완성할 정도로 계속 더 좋은게 없을까 궁리하며 수정을 반복했었어요. 몇년간 밴드생활을 하다보니 어릴적 꿈꿨던것 처럼 지구정복하는 락스타가 되진 못하겠구나라는 생각이 들더라고요. 그리고 이런 현실자각에 대한 주제가 주변에 같이 음악하는 친구들 사이에서 수다거리가 되었고요. 허나 재미있는건 당장 돈을 벌어야하기 때문에 이런 저런 일을하면서도 여유가 생기면 꼭 다시 음악을 하는 사람들을 보는거였어요. 단순히 한두번 취미로 하는게 아닌, 공연도 하고 녹음도 하고, 계속 음악으로 성공하려 시도하는거죠. 그래서 이 곡은 꼭 공식대로 성공하진 못했어도 음악자체가 너무 좋아 삶의 일부로 품고 사는사람들이 있다는걸 표현하고 응원하는 곡입니다.

▶️ DTube

Woff, woff!

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Woff, woff! 🐶

Hey, thanks for the tip!


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