The girl without a face - My short horror novel for Sunday night

in #novel8 years ago


I remember the first night I spent at my girlfriend in a small house, next to a small village. I was in the beginning of my 20's,full with testosterone and I really didn't believe in the paranormal.
So first night she started telling stories to me. She warned me not to be surprised if someone would sit at the end of the bed during the night. That's her grandmother, who died but sometimes comes back.
I could hardly sleep that night, constantly checking the room.
Two days later, when it was dark, I arrived to the house. I parked my car and saw my girlfriend in the garden.
Or I just thought she was. I was slowly going towards her when I realised some strange feelings. Cold run through my spine.
Something was wrong. The hair, the clothes were my girlfriend's.

But the voice and the face which just turned so I could see the bones, the holes for the blue eyes - empty. It was deformed and I could see her brown teeth. She had no lips.
This creature was screaming and grabbed my shirt. I felt that terrible smell spreading from her mouth. Like rotten bodies after the rain.

In the morning I woke up next to my girlfriend, she was still sleeping, but her clothes were the same like that I had seen last night, we were covered with mud from the garden. I quickly left the house and never talked to her again. It was like 20 years ago and I started to see things different.

Yesterday I got a phone call from her. She invited me again...
