If Dr Seuss Were Demented
Torn asunder
Can't help but wonder
If any of this is real
Defy my purpose
Feeling worthless
Betrayed by another's zeal
I am not faultless
For what this costed
I know myself well
I am no stoic
I am no poet
You can sense my inner hell
Sick and tired
Of those people
That are prying
That are lying
I need more courage
To confront
Those that discourage
I need to be blunt
People mistake me
Think they can take me
For a fucking ride
What they are not scared of
Always unaware of
The force truly on my side
I needn't argue
Or feel these emotions
That make me run and hide
Karma my weapon
Against deception
There's no need to skin your hide
I've had my share and I'm aware that I too have lied
But you will never again touch the realm where I reside
Inner turmoil
I am the one to blame
Nothing produced
From the toil
But a lifetime of shame
We are all burning inside
Can't remember when part of us died
My difference is I turn within
It's entirely unhealthy
So where do I begin?
I don't mind pointing the finger
At myself
You point your finger endlessly
It's distressing
I'm second-guessing
All of my potentials
Until this becomes