
in #note-timknip5 years ago


Simplest and Smallest Email Forward Service for Docker.

Config by one-line
Run as docker start
Image Size 10MB

If you have a domain name, only want to have one (or a few) email address(es) on this domain, and you want to forward all the emails to another email account - Simple Mail Forwarder (SMF) is exactly what you need. (with Docker)

Because of the above, this docker image was built for ultimate simplicity. I've owned many domains and needed email addresses for them (for fun and/or work). I hated configuring email servers. Some DNS providers provide free email forwarding services for their own domains, some do not. And almost all email forwarding services are NOT free. So I decided to make one myself (thanks docker).


docker run -d -p 25:25
-e MAIL_HOST="mail.example.com"
-e VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS="example.com"
-e VIRTUAL_ALIAS_MAPS="@example.com [email protected]"