RE: Easter Holiday At Crypto Retreat In Norway
I read something about the subject maybe 4,5 years ago from some blog written by the Russian mother from whom 3 children were taken away on false accusations. She managed to escape with 2 over the border illegally somehow while the oldest one she didn't see for more than 5 or 6 years.
Everything started after the kid stated in the school that mother slapped him once.
After that I was just investigating and I found a lot of stories on the similar subject.
Also I read some different opinions about the child services organization running in Norway. Some Lawyer are actually thinking that they are operating like some mafia organization.
I think that Norway is the example for the rest of the world and Europe mostly. Laws are going to be copied to the other European countries it is just a matter of time.
My thoughts about the conversation above is that you can run but you can't hide forever.
People must be involved in the political matters of their countries. If they don't they are going to loose all their liberty and freedom.
Greed and blasphemy growing in the ones susceptible will darken the human society.