RE: Easter Holiday At Crypto Retreat In Norway
Well, you'll probably be OK..especially if you have resources, money, family..They do actually predate on low income families, single moms etc. Sure, it's in those families there are most problems - so it makes sense to a degree. But I think it is being used politically. The horror stories are so scary that you DO actually feel like there is not worth the risk of being for instance politically involved in anything else but mainstream politics. Or you cant discuss certain topics publicly. I would guess topics like immigration, vaccination, un-schooling, ethnonationalism, being critical towards PC narrative in general..would be topics that could trigger an investigation from the child services.
And even though the odds probably are relatively small, over 5,5% of ALL children between 0-18 are under the custody of the child services..that is a staggering number. 56,000 children out of 1 million. And if 90% of those are based on political/ideological stuff and not abuse..well..there is a 5% chance that your child will be taken from you. So you better shut the hell up and play along.
After spending several years in the West I'm becoming homesick for my previous chaotic country.
I never believed that I will state something unreasonable like this but once you earn some money (any money), you start realizing that you lost a huge amount of freedom.
I'm seriously considering moving to Czech Republic, Slovenia or similar.
You should. If cryptos go to where i think they will, we could possibly move to czech, poland or estland. At least buy property there.
At least you can swear as much as you want whoever you want.
You can be politically un-correct all your life.
And you will have some degree of freedom to do stupid/ borderline illegal things that make you happy (like installing illegal software, fixing the car in some unauthorized garage).
After 3 years, my overall level of happiness is down as BTC.