The Disdain Facebook Has For The Users Is Amazing

in #norway8 years ago (edited)

The Disdain Facebook Has For The Users Is Amazing. We are just cash cows for them...


I honestly never liked Facebook, and I find Facebook dull, boring, tedious, bland, unexciting, tiring… In short, every synonym with not interesting I can find. So, I never used Facebook much.
I logged in today after a while and was shocked by all these ads (there are many more) on my homepage with fraudulent content.

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I am just amazed that Facebook thinks I as a user should be served such garbage. For me, Facebook only has slaughter value and deserves a silent death.

R.I.P. Facebook! Steem On, Steemit!


Thank you for your time and attention. Steem on!



hi my dear friend nice post please visit my post i posted about your country I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts.

It's horrendous, yet I have no problem believing it.

I can understand that it requires a hefty censorship to make way for this kind of crap and nonsense.

Deleted my FB account half a year ago.

Great post Janusface!

Nice. I also deleted my FB account some time ago. It was a tedious process. But, unfortunately I made a new account as I need FB to log into Tinder. Tinder is as must for me for dating in Oslo.
Hopefully, Matchpool or some other blockchain based dating app will make FB as a log in platform irrelevant too.

I agree.. FB is making billions off of the users. Steemit actually gives back to the community

Thanks for sharing
Upvoted for the great content

Thanks for being able to having you as a follower:)

Happy to be one of your followers
and happy also to see my giphy banner with steem ( created by me) on your post..
By the way I visited Oslo 5 years ago and I hope in near future to visit you country again
Have a great day

It is a fantastic giph. I cannot remember where I found it. I guess it is spread out around Steemit. Sorry for not asking you for permission to use it. It didn't know it was your work. I give you some royalties with my upvote:)

No problem mate
Really I am so happy as a lot of my banners spread eveywhere
No upvote needed
I told you I am happy to be one of your followers

you nailed it exactly thats what they are doing. Now we have steemit :)


Nice post

I can't believe ads like this are fed to consumers.
It seems like they would prefer money over quality.
Facebook will fade away as steem begins to grow

I hope you are right, but I guess there are plenty of unenlightened consumers that does not care (or know) that they are the product and get used by FB.

@janusface - Sire, FaceBook will die and we have steemit. Good post Sire. I want to RESTEEM this post Sire.


steemit comunity is a best and no one challenge this great and best comunity and facebook is fuck site now

now i think facebook is only a boring site and only this site use us and earen money and dont give back us anything and otherside steemit give us everything i like steemit too much