Noocratic Papers No. 5 - The Neoteric Method: A Discourse on the Ancient Science of WisdomsteemCreated with Sketch.

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Noocratic Papers No. 5 - The Neoteric Method: A Discourse on the Ancient Science of Wisdom

N.E.Y 65 February 2025

By Negus Shemsizedek

To: The Global Village

Begin all things first by using the all!

Listen to reason!

By H.I.M. Dr. Lawiy Zodok

The Neoteric Method is not new, though it appears as such to the uninitiated. It is the method of inquiry, of dialectical reasoning, of divine wisdom that was passed down from the ancient sages, those who first understood the nature of Nous—the active divine intelligence that permeates all existence. It is a science, a sacred dialectic that predates the Socratic Method, which is but a Greco-Roman reconfiguration of a far older system, one rooted in the sacred teachings of the Black and Moorish peoples, the custodians of the first wisdom traditions. The Neoteric Method is the resurrection of this knowledge, a return to Noetics, the study of divine wisdom as it exists within and beyond nature.

The Foundations of the Neoteric Method

Dialectical Inquiry Through Nous
The Neoteric Method begins not with assumption but with alignment to Nous. It seeks knowledge through structured questioning, yet unlike the Socratic Method, which leads only to the refutation of ignorance, the Neoteric Method affirms and unveils truth through an understanding of divine intelligence.

Hermeneutics of Divine Wisdom
Knowledge is not arbitrary. The Neoteric Method holds that understanding emerges through ancient hermeneutics—interpretation of sacred texts, symbols, and nature itself. The Black sages of old knew that all of existence is encoded with meaning, that symbols are the language of the cosmos, and that the adept must decode these messages through disciplined study.

The Science of Noology
Unlike Western methods of dialectics, which are limited to reason and materialist logic, the Neoteric Method incorporates the higher faculties of the mind—what the ancients called Noology, the study of divine thought. This is the higher wisdom passed to Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Plato before becoming diluted by Greco-Roman interpretations.

The Triune Process: Questioning, Unveiling, Becoming

Questioning: The student must approach wisdom with sincere inquiry, seeking to dissolve illusions and false beliefs through dialogue.

Unveiling: Unlike mere skepticism, the Neoteric Method holds that through right questioning and proper hermeneutics, wisdom is not only revealed but confirmed.

Becoming: To know truth is not enough; one must embody it. The Neoteric Method is transformative, urging the student to become a living vessel of wisdom.

The Reclamation of Ancient Wisdom

The Greek philosophers, though praised for their intellect, were but the students of those who came before them—the Kemetic sages, the Nuwuabians, the Moors, the initiates of the divine sciences. The Socratic Method is but a cantonized version of the Neoteric Method, which predates and surpasses it. It is time to reclaim that which was taken, to restore the lineage of knowledge back to its origin.

The Application of the Neoteric Method

The Neoteric Method is both an academic discipline and a spiritual practice. It is a tool for philosophical inquiry, scientific discovery, and divine communion. Its applications extend to all fields of knowledge:

In Science, it refines the scientific method by integrating Nous, ensuring that material observations align with divine order.

In Philosophy, it transcends skepticism by revealing absolute wisdom through hermeneutic discipline.

In Spirituality, it serves as the bridge between the human mind and divine intelligence, leading the seeker to enlightenment.

In Governance, it ensures that leadership is rooted in wisdom, justice, and alignment with the cosmic order.

Conclusion: The Return to Noetics

The time has come to restore the lost science of wisdom. The Neoteric Method is the pathway to rediscovering what has been hidden, to realigning humanity with the higher mind, and to reestablishing the sacred order of knowledge. Those who seek truth must look beyond the veils placed upon history and return to the source of wisdom—the eternal Nous, the divine intelligence that has always been and will always be.

H.I.M Dr. Lawiy Zodok
General Solutionist