Some of the struggles of constantly making music. (Plus a repost of an unfinished thing)

in #nolifeclub7 years ago

I've been making beats for about five YEARS now and I haven't really taken a break. This becomes problematic from time to time because I push myself so much to make music. I love making music! But on the other side of the same coin, I've hurt myself in multiple ways just by doing what I love. Maybe some of you other music makers can relate to this post, maybe some of you won't be able to. That doesn't really matter to me right now, I just want to talk to you guys about some of the things that I'm experiencing.


Ah, yes.... Don't you love listening to everything around you? Birds tweeting outside your window, people walking down the sidewalks muttering at each other, cars going by (not so much that one) or even just the wind blowing?
Well, while I can still hear those things, there are things that I can't hear because I've practically had headphones or earbuds glued to my head for five freaking years ! ...I'll admit, it's my own fault. But there are times when I go to make something and I literally cannot hear the frequency that it's playing at, which limits me to a certain degree!
Like I said, I LOVE MAKING MUSIC! It's what I wanna do for a living! How am I gonna do that if I'm partially DEAF?? At the rate that I'm going at I might need hearing aids by my forties! It's kinda of ridiculous.... But then again my own fault. If I hadn't spent so many late nights with my headphones on, just clicking away so I can get something perfect then I wouldn't be in this position. But I wouldn't have it any other way because I wouldn't have all the experience that I do have now.... It just means switching to monitors (big "fancy" speakers that let me hear everything I need rather than having headphones blare in my ears)! I'm okay with that, in fact it's gonna help me in the long run!


I wouldn't say that I've burned myself out.... But I've been having major issues trying to come up with stuff recently, I'll sit infront of my computer with my DAW open for hours, only to come up with nothing! It sucks! Oh my god, does it suck! But I know I'm not done making music. I'll always make music even if I don't make money off of it. It's my passion. I'm determined to make it into "the industry" though, even if that means working with a bunch of small artists. That doesn't matter to me , I enjoy making music and seeing it transform into something else when vocals are put on it. It's amazing to me! You can ask @vibekilla how ecstatic I was when I heard him just spit a verse over my beat! I was so happy! Not because it was my beat, but because I got to see the process of what an artist actually does. And you could hear the passion in his words! If I can pull that out of people with what I'm doing, hell yeah I'm gonna continue! It's inspiring! I'll eventually come out of this rut, even if I have to fight my way through it. I will move forward! And if you're in the same position, you will too! It might take some time, but we'll get through this. Trust me.


Might as well show me dumb face off to you guys:
(Yes, I know I look dumb! And yes, I love flipping off cameras!)

I'm currently working on a few different projects, with a few different people.
I'm working on my beat tape, I'm working on a few different songs/collabs with people from here on steemit or the NOLIFECLUB Discord server. If you wanna just chill out with me, @vibekilla, @midnightshade15, or @poorkidbeats feel free to join the server! We're a silly group of misfits who make all sorts of art.... And dick jokes!


Thank you steemians for reading! I love the community so have a unfinished thing I should really get back to finishing:


All you gotta do is push through the Writer's Block! All it is simply put is you getting stuck in a feedback loop; you've reached your glass ceiling. One merely just needs to shatter that glass. Instead of trying to push the glass hoping it breaks, just use an alternative approach. A hammer. Gloves. Mask. Don't cut yourself trying to force your way into the next level. This is an allegory for your skills right now as a producer. You cannot emulate true inspiration / magic in the booth so do the next best thing: cultivate it. Do shit that always happens to get you inspired. Listen to music or a smooth jazz station. Go for a walk. Start thinking when you're on the toilet. Do anything!

The burnout thing just happens a ton when you consistently put stuff together. Smoke somethin, take your mind off the grind for a break, things should return to normal..

Yea man, writers block is a bitch... The way I work through it is I start listening to new music, a new artist, etc. It usually jars me out of writers block and gives me some inspiration. I also find going back and working on old, maybe unfinished pieces help me out a bit, change something around with it, and bam, it's a new piece. I am sure you've got TONS of music you've fucked around with in the past that you've completely forgotten about... find those tracks and see if something is rekindled.

Be blessed man!