Mainstream Media Now Speaks? Potus Halts Dakota Access Pipeline?

in #nodapl9 years ago

No Matter Your Politics. This is divine intervention.
Like a butterfly. It took the wings flapping of a student all the way around the world, in Laos to cause the beginning of what is required in this matter.

This is also a notice to the mainstream organized media, that there is a greater source of announcement than their stations. The world is becoming tuned into that source.

This is the moment we must tune into the higher vibration of being and understand what supports manifested life.

Bottom line. If our actions threaten the nourishment of manifested life, then we have errored in our action. In this case it is a pipeline in this location that puts at risk the water to this reservation.

We must be vigilant to support those who understand this and continue to stand with them as the world is watching.

See video through this link
Mainstream Media Now Speaks

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