No Big Deal ってどういう意味?- かっこいい英語のちょっとした例文で知ろう#92

No Big Deal
大したことない / 別に大げさなことじゃない
A: Sorry I missed your call. What was it you wanted?
B: Oh, it's no big deal. I was just wondering if you're free on Friday.
A: Oh no! The dog got out when I opened the door!
B: It's not a big deal. He'll come back when he's hungry.
A: Thank you so much for the ride.
B: It's no biggie. Thanks for all your help.
A: Hey, are you going to the company picnic?
B: I wasn't planning to. It's not a big deal, is it?
A: Were they upset that you didn't bring any food?
B: Nah, it wasn't really a big deal.
I know, not many examples this time. I hope it's no big deal for you.


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Just heard about the earthquake!
Was this really a big deal?!
Take care!
It felt like a big deal, but no damage here. The worst that happened was I had to wake up about five minutes early to the sound of an alarm that I'm not used to violently shaking the building.
I just got news from Miho, she was with her family over the weekend, and she’s having one extra holiday!
She was quite frightened!
It’s remarkable that a 6.1 didn’t cause extensive damages!! The ground underneath must be quite solid! I can’t imagine this extent in Bangkok where the soil is like clay!
We don’t have warning alarm for earthquake warnings in Bangkok. This alarm system is quite useful.
Praying that there would only be tiny quakes. The ring of fire is well lit up on the map today!
Take care and stay alert!
Well, the alarm system is kind of useless, since it goes off at exactly the same time as the earthquake. The only thing it really does is make the earthquake scarier.
I don't think it's because the ground is more solid than anywhere else, it's that most of the buildings are earthquake resistant.
Lucky for the people that most buildings are earthquake resistant!!
I hope things will become normal soon, with all the trains and transport systems operating properly!
Keep well and safe!
Learn a lot! good~:)
Good. I'm glad you got something out of it.
can I teach Japanese?
What do you mean? If I made a mistake, yes, please, go ahead.
you didn't make any mistake. this is my joke. It means that even though I 'm poor even at Japanese, do you think I can teach Japanese? It is very difficult to explain Japanese grammar. Japanese verb change five times. If you feel unpleasant , I'm sorry.
No worries. I meant that if I made a mistake in my Japanese, please correct me. I'm not a native Japanese speaker, so of course, I make mistakes when writing Japanese.
And you're right, teaching grammar is hard in any language, I think.
I want to learn cool English. I remember that American teacher who can speak Japanese fluently was really shocked to hear Japanese young students speak Japanese slang. he said "I studied Japanese very hard, but I could't understand them at all. He looked really sad. so, I said to him " I also cannot understand them." Recently, there are lots of strange Japanese.
Yeah, languages always change over time, otherwise you'd still be talking like it was the Heian period. Most slang doesn't stick for that long though, because kids always want to have their own special words. But some of it stays in the language.
There's still a lot of Japanese I don't understand or can't catch, especially the Japanese a lot of old men speak. It just sounds like mumbling to me.
Thank you for your comments. I also have lots of Japanese language in especially dialects. It is very strange to hear ole people born in Tokyo speak standard Japanese because they don't have dialect.
Nah と No は、どのように使い分けをしますか?
Nah is more casual and softer. Kind of like いいえ and いや in Japanese.
You can use either in most situations. If it's a serious situation where you want to say ダメ! or いやだ! you should use no.
Like this:
A: I think I'm going to buy some Bitcoin.
B: Noooooo! It's at two million yen right now. Wait for the dip.
A: What happens if I push this button?
B: No! That's the emergency alarm!
ハイ@coolenglishさん、こんにちは、お元気ですか? おめでとうございます!あなたの投稿は今日のトップ10投稿、最もVOTEが多い投稿グループ、ランク1に入っています..
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