The United States has been stolen

in #nnited7 years ago


A group of migrants from the countries of Central America have left for the United States. The news broke in one of the press releases and officials in the face of the news that President Donald Trump flew on television.
migration of
migrationers, almost immediately rumored his anger at Twitter and said, 'United States has been stolen in the influx of illegal immigrants'.
there did not stop here, after leaving the rest of the White House work, he started a series of anti-immigrant tweets. Trump responsible for the consequences of today's US inmates of the tweeted migrant Democrats

) He has threatened to pass stringent laws to prevent immigrants as a counter-provision. Even threatened to remove America from the Nafta agreement.

Reuters reported that a group of about 1200 migrants from various countries of Central America walk to the United States. They have taken this initiative to overcome all forms of discrimination. They started their journey on March 25 from 'Palm Sunday Day'. Most of the

women, children and men of this group come from Honduras (80%). They took part in the march to organize a tournaments called Pulbo Sin Frontiers or People Without Borders (Borderless People).

Mexico, the group has already passed many border outposts, the police checkpost.

CNN Monday said in a report that it is like a few rights activists, and some like human rights missions. Such march has become a tradition. This happens every year.

But this year's march has attracted more attention than other times. Because the group of immigrants is the biggest party of all time. The group says that they have plans to take refuge in the United States. Troubled Tweets by

migration of the immigrants, on Sunday, expressed their concern and anger. In a tweet expressing anger over Mexico, he said, 'Nothing is doing anything' to prevent immigrants from entering the United States.

Vengeance, he threatened to remove the United States from the Nafta deal with Mexico and Canada. He said, 'Mexico is not doing anything to prevent the immigrant. Migrants are entering Mexico through the southern border. Then straight into the United States.


Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid
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Lo que no entiendo de los estadounidenses que se creen dueños de esta parte del continente americano, es que ellos, no tienen cultura propia, todo EEUU se formó con inmigrante y no de la mejor calaña que digamos. EEUU fue y seguira siendo formado por inmigrantes, les guste o no.