9/11 Was An Inside Job - Beginner's Guide

in #nineeleven8 years ago


Everyone’s personal experience of what transpired on September 11th 2001 is going to be different. My first knowledge of anything happening on that fateful September morning was when I received a phone call from my girlfriend’s father, telling me to put the TV on because two airplanes had hit the World Trade Center. I watched in awe, as did hundreds of millions of others around the world, as those videos of the second plane hitting the tower were shown again and again, burning the images indelibly into our brains. I didn’t know anyone in New York, there was no one in particular for whom I worried. All I knew was that something was happening that didn’t seem right, particularly the way the Twin Towers fell in what looked like freefall, something I had only ever seen happen in controlled demolitions. Over the next few months and years I researched the events of that day and there is one inescapable fact, that huge numbers of people now know, but that even more are too stubborn and unwilling to accept:

9/11 was an inside job.

I’ve tried to have this discussion with my parents. They’re in their sixties and, like many other people you may know, are insistent that the government wouldn’t lie to us, the news networks wouldn’t lie to us, and that no one has anything to gain from these atrocities. That these attacks were masterminded and carried out by Osama bin Laden and his small band of 19 followers who were eager to board flights, commandeer them, and fly them into targets which would strike a massive blow to the American way of life.

And to those people who have been previously unwilling to listen: forward them a link to my article. I’ve made every attempt to simplify the facts and make this a bite-size guide that even the most stubborn reader cannot fail to take notice of. There are hundreds of events which took place on that sunny morning in September 2001, and the years leading up to it, but what I present here are the bare facts. And these are facts which cannot be ignored. So pass on the knowledge and hopefully we as people can force our governments to answer for their despotic actions, and be held accountable for some of the worst atrocities ever to take place on Earth.

With this guide, I don’t intend to try and give you every last fact or detail. This is a starting point for you, especially readers who have never looked into the events of 9/11. With the knowledge you’ll gain from this book, hit the Internet, go on YouTube, find the rest of the facts for yourself. This is a huge topic that one short article can’t hope to do justice to. But by arming yourself with the knowledge of what really went on that day, and what is still going on today, we can hopefully one day bring justice to the unfortunate people who lost their lives that morning. 

A New Pearl Harbor

On March 13, 1962, Operation Northwoods was a potential plan presented by Lyman Lemnitzer to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara which offered a list of potential ways of going to war with Cuba under false pretences. Among them was: “We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign … in Florida cities and areas in Washington.”

This is called a “False Flag” operation, essentially encouraging the inhabitants of a country to demonstrate their allegiance to the flag of their country, presenting them with the illusion that if they didn’t, their own safety would be under threat. The 1962 example (and there are many more between then and now, including the events which triggered the Vietnam War, all of which are openly discussed on the Internet) tells us straight away that the US Government is willing to commit highly illegal acts of violence against its own people in order to control them and get exactly what they want.

The most important part of this chapter is to draw your attention to a section from the September 2000 document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” from The Project For A New American Century, a neo-Conservative think-tank including members as high-ranking as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush and Paul Wolfowitz. It states:

“… the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

When asked about whether anything could have been done to prevent the events of 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, stated that, “There were lots of warnings,” yet National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice insisted, “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center.”

Given that they would both have been privy to the same information, surely this contradiction should raise concerns. Over the next few chapters I will show you specifically how Government involvement created the events of that day. 

 The Twin Towers were a controlled demolition, and the airplanes which hit them were either “drones” which did not contain any passengers, or simply explosives pre-placed in the buildings, with airplanes added to the video footage in real-time.

In 1997, FEMA’s document “Emergency Response to Terrorism Self-Study” featured the Twin Towers in crosshairs as a potential terrorist target. In June 2000 the same image was used as the cover for a manual explaining what to do in events involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. 

Some witnesses on the day reported seeing color schemes on the airplanes which did not match what the planes should have looked like. Others reported large grey “fuel tanks” on the bottom of the planes (potentially bombs), with no windows down either side of the planes. This suggests that the planes which hit the Twin Towers were not actually United Airlines Flight 175 and Flight 11 but were in fact military ‘drone’ airplanes. As early as 1984, NASA were testing ‘drone’ airplanes, which were essentially unmanned passenger planes, that they remote-controlled and which could stay in the air for in excess of 16 hours. Some of the manouevers carried out by all of the planes involved on 9/11 suggested a much higher level of piloting skill than that demonstrated by the men who the Government would have us believe were piloting the planes. A plane controlled remotely, with the ability to fix on a target and head straight for it, is much more plausible than someone with relatively little flight experience crashing an airplane so neatly into the side of a building.

An alternative theory into which I have done some research myself, is the idea that there may not have been any airplanes involved that day at all. As you’ll see later on with my brief analysis of what happened at The Pentagon, and the lack of any airplanes there, this is certainly a possibility.

Even 15 years ago the technology existed to drop CGI footage into real-time video, to fool the viewers into seeing something that wasn’t real, yet believing it was. A large number of people report there not being any planes that day, yet some report a small whitish-grey ball (possibly some kind of drone) heading towards the Twin Towers at speed that day, immediately before the explosions. This would also explain the “large grey fuel tanks” reported by some people, as the drone would be exactly the same size and shape as decribed by witnesses. Did these people see the airplanes in real life, or on a TV screen? How likely are people to have been watching that particular area of the sky when the supposed second plane flew in? This could very easily have been a government PsyOp, given that so few people actually witnessed the events in New York, yet literally billions of people saw it on TV later.  

Some videos show one of the airplanes entering, and emerging from the other side of the building, a clear mistake of whoever could be behind the “no plane” plan. There is no way a flimsy aluminium plane could pass through that many steel columns and concrete pillars no matter what speed it was traveling, and emerge unscathed from the other side of the building.

And when the plane first hit the second tower, the wings would have snapped off immediately. By comparison with a steel and concrete structure, a plane is pitifully flimsy, and is more likely to have exploded upon impact with the outer shell of the World Trade Centre than to disappear neatly inside it with literally no debris falling from the plane.

And before you try to tell me that an airplane engine was found on the ground at Ground Zero… it’s already been thoroughly proven that the engine found does not match the type of engine found in the airplanes that it’s claimed hit either of the Towers. Meaning someone placed the engine there in a further attempt to fool us.

In the week prior to 9/11, thousands of ‘Put Option’ transactions took place where people essentially bet on American Airlines shares losing value over the next few weeks. Sure enough, after the attacks, American Airlines’ stock prices plunged dramatically. Millions of dollars of profit were made in the days following 9/11, and the sheer number of Put Options taking place in the week prior to 9/11 were approximately ten times the rate of what you would normally expect on a regular trading day. This is a testament to the fact that US citizens not only knew about the attacks, but put plans in place to massively profit from the proposed acts of terrorism. To this day, the US government has not investigated the people who profited in this way.

The airplanes, often cited as being the reason given for the collapse of the Twin Towers, were not the beginning of the story of the collapse. Earlier that day, witnesses reported hearing explosions in other areas of the Twin Towers. Specifically, Thermite bombs. It is believed by many that these bombs were not intended to be detonated until the planes had hit the towers. Human error dictated that some of the bombs went off prematurely, burning, injuring and killing people within the towers.

In the days before 9/11, bomb-sniffing dogs were removed from the World Trade Center, and it is at this time that corrupt forces within our own Government set about installing hundreds of Thermite bombs within the buildings.

Additionally, Russian scientist Dimitri Khalezov made claims that when the Twin Towers were built, a series of underground passages were built beneath them, through which nuclear bombs could be transported from tower to tower, if needed. Though at first this seems preposterous (Why would they plan to nuke the buildings before even building them), the story goes that when the bukldings were planned in the 1960s, they also had to provide plans for how the buildings would be demolished safely, if needed, so as to not damage the surrounding buildings. A nuclear device of low enough yield, detonated underground, would not produce a mushroom cloud the likes of which we are used to seeing. The majority of the bomb’s energy would be absorbed by the surrounding ground, and the bomb’s energy would be fired straight up. Right before each of the towers collapsed, at freefall speed no less, a dull “Boom” can be heard, which could very easily be a small nuclear device going off.

The fact that everything in both towers was turned to dust supports the nuclear theories, because thermite being used, no matter in what proliferation, would still leave chunks of rubble, and the building would never have been able to follow at such a speed, directly into its own footprint. Thermite may have been used along the way, to help with certain parts of the demolition that they knew might be too tricky to be handled purely by a nuclear bomb, but in all likelihood, this thermite would not have been enough to produce the effects we all saw on TV that day.

On the morning of September 11th, NORAD were involved in a number of military exercises including Vigilant Guardian and Northern Vigilance, taking fighter jets far from where they would ultimately be needed, to take part in training exercises. Not only were they then out of range to be of any assistance, they were also effectively blinded by the fact that their training exercises involved identifying aircraft on their radar which had been taken over by terrorists, and which were intended to be flown into high-profile buildings, such as the White House, the Pentagon, and areas of New York. Then when the actual airliners flew dramatically off-course, there was much confusion about whether this was happening “real-world” or as part of their training. This was done on purpose by the Government conspirators to ensure that the airplanes that hit the Twin Towers were never shot down, to maximise on their destructive capability.

Once the towers had been hit by the airplanes, Police, EMTs and Fire Rescue Teams were quick on the scene and began the difficult process of fighting the fires and trying to rescue as many people as possible. What no one could have predicted was that the South Tower would collapse less than an hour after being hit, and that the North Tower would follow half an hour later.

The official reason for the Towers’ collapse has been given as being the result of fires burning within the towers, up to 2000 degrees Celsius, which weakened the strength of the steel, leading to the collapse. In reality, steel does not melt until it reaches 3000 degrees, and even with the added structural damage to the building made by the airplane colliding with it, does not sufficiently explain the collapse. Groups of hundreds of professional architects and engineers have proved conclusively that the towers could not have fallen as depicted in the 9/11 Commission Report (not an independent study; funded by the Government, it should be noted). Instead, every person asked stated that the buildings could only have fallen as they did, straight down, if they had been taken down in a controlled demolition.

As an alternative to the nuclear theory, the thermite suggestion is definitely one worth looking into. We’ve all seen controlled demolitions. The buildings have explosive charges inside them which detonate in key places to help the building lose its structural integrity, before the whole thing comes crashing down in a neat pile. The Twin Towers collapsed at freefall rate. This could not happen if they collapsed naturally, as the quantity of debris contained in the buildings would have prevented this, and would have made the buildings topple one way or the other, and stop them from collapsing at such an incredible speed.

Witnesses on the day, both civilian and from the emergency services, reported hearing numerous explosions long after the airplanes had hit the towers, and a particularly large number of them in the seconds preceding each tower’s collapse. Indeed, we can even see these explosions or “squibs” on the video footage shot by news helicopters. Even as the towers start to collapse, approximately ten floors below the top of the building, you can clearly see flashes of light and plumes of smoke erupting from the windows of the towers, all the way down, as seen to the center and bottom right of the photograph below:  

And what was left when the dust had settled is testament to the fact that they were purposefully pulled down in a controlled demolition: Both buildings had been reduced to a fine dust. Had they collapsed naturally, there would be chunks of steel, rubble, computers, bodies etc. Of all the people still in the towers at the time of their collapse, not a single body was recovered. They had been, literally, blown to pieces by the explosives. Thermite dust was found on the site, and the sewers beneath the Twin Towers remained full of molten metal measuring in the thousands of degrees, for weeks following the collapse, further proof that the Thermite had melted instantly through the steel columns holding the towers up, leaving a lake of molten metal at its base. Another fact which was conveniently missing from the 9/11 Commission’s Report.

World Trade Center 7 also collapsed in a controlled demolition.

World Trade Center 7 is another mystery on the same scale as the collapse of the Twin Towers, and is not as widely reported as the more prominent Twin Towers. A few hours after the North and South towers fell, WTC7 collapsed in exactly the same manner, imploding in on itself in a controlled demolition. At the time, fires and debris which fell onto it from the Twin Towers were blamed for its collapse, but building owner Larry Silverstein was caught in an interview saying, “Pull it,” meaning, demolish it. So why deny this later? Even the emergency services on the scene at the time knew that the building was going to be demolished ahead of time, and in fact the BBC news reported that WTC7 had collapsed, before it actually had, whilst it remained in the shot behind the news reporter, fully intact. If Larry Silverstein could say, “Pull it,” about WTC7, then the likelihood of him saying the same thing about the Twin Towers is increased.

So who passed the information to the news agencies that it had collapsed? These people should be questioned as they were almost certainly in on it. They knew the building was to be demolished long before it actually was. And who told the residents of WTC7 to evacuate, when all it had at the time was a small fire on one of the upper floors?

When it did collapse, it was at freefall speed again, obviously another Thermite demolition to ensure that everything inside the building was reduced to dust.

Had this been a building totally unrelated to WTC 1 and 2, then perhaps this building’s collapse wouldn’t have been so important to the story. But the important facts of this particular building, are who had offices in there: The CIA, The Department of Defense, IRS, Secret Service and it held Rudy Giuliani’s emergency bunker. Also, the SEC was using it to store around 4000 files related to an investigation of insider trading on Wall Street. Someone wanted those files to disappear, and they did.   

The Pentagon was not hit by an airplane. 

This is by far the easiest of the 9/11 “attacks” to debunk. The Government’s story that one of the 4 hijacked airplanes, Flight 77, hit it was absolute nonsense and can be summed up very easily with one photo, which I’ve included below for you to see: The hole in the outer wall of the Pentagon was 16 feet wide (shown by the red circle). There is no way an entire airplane could fit through that hole. The yellow arrow above the circle points to the upper sections of the building which were still totally intact, until the upper floors of the building collapsed, later that day. 

Further evidence is that there is no rubble on the lawn in front of the Pentagon. No wings which would have snapped off had the plane actually hit the building. No engines. And most of all: No dead bodies. Yet somehow the official investigators managed to “identify” all the bodies it says it found. They are nowhere to be seen on any photographs… because there weren’t any.

So what hit the Pentagon? In the minutes following the “attack”, the FBI visited all local petrol stations and shops which had cameras pointed towards the Pentagon, and took their security footage, telling them that they had better not speak to anyone about what they had witnessed. Bizarrely, the US Government, under pressure from numerous groups for some clarity, released 5 still images from one of the security cameras, which don’t show an airplane hitting the building; it shows a small white unmanned “drone” aircraft. If they wanted to keep what they had done secret, especially with the lies they had told about the plane even hitting in the first place, why then provide evidence which incriminates themselves by showing that there never was an airplane?

There was no airplane in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Flight 93 did not crash there.

We all know the story of Flight 93. Terrorists take over the plane, a few heroic passengers wrestle with them, the plane falls out of the sky in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, short of its intended target : The White House. But much as in the Pentagon incident, sadly it is just that: A story. Flight 93 did not crash in that field. As the below photo shows, the hole in the ground was tiny, and there was no real debris and no bodies. I’ll discuss where the actually airplanes disappeared to in the next chapter, but for now, please see the truth that Flight 93 did not crash in a field in Shanksville.  

A coroner called to the scene saw not a single body, yet the official report somehow identified all the victims from their remains.

In all four supposed hijackings, relatives of those onboard found themselves receiving telephone calls from people claiming to be their relatives. The families immediately recognised that these were not their actual family members, but people impersonating them. Even more relevant to this point is that at the height the airplanes were at the time of the calls being made, no cell phone call could possibly have gotten through, until adequate equipment was installed in the planes in 2004, three years after the disaster. So fake “Mayday” calls were being made. By who?

Where did the airplanes disappear to?

You’ll remember earlier that I pointed out how the airplanes which hit the Twin Towers were either not commercial airlines, but unmanned “drone” planes, or even weren’t there at all. And that no airplanes crashed into the Pentagon or in Shanksville. But all four of these planes took off from their designated airports at the times we were told… so where did they go?

The only one we have actual evidence for is Flight 93, as it was reported on the news that it landed at Cleveland Hawkins Airport at around 10:45am on the morning of 9/11. The entire airport was evacuated 45 minutes prior to that, reportedly for a supposed bomb threat on the incoming Flight 93. But once all civilians were cleared from the airport at 11:15am, all 200 Flight 93 passengers were ushered into the NASA Glenn Research Centre at the airport, where they were never seen or heard from again. Were they all killed to cover up the story? Once the evacuation of Flight 93 had made it onto news sites, it quickly disappeared that same day, but under whose orders? If the other three airplanes were dealt with in the same way, then what we’re seeing isn’t the loss of around 800 lives after all four planes crashed in terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and in Shanksville, we’re seeing clear Government involvement and the cold-blooded killing of 800 innocent civilians in Government facilities.

Osama bin Laden was not behind the attacks.

On July 4th 2001, Osama bin Laden, wanted for previous terrorist activities by the US Government, received treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai, where he was visited by a local chief of the CIA. So why wasn’t he arrested then? A quick internet search will show you the financial dealings between the Bush and bin Laden families, and how the two families had been in business together for a long time. He wasn’t an enemy of the state; quite the reverse. He was a friend. And, when the time came, a handy scapegoat for the greatest terrorist atrocity of the modern age.

When the video was released showing him confessing to the attacks on 9/11, most people accepted it and went on with their lives.

And think about the day you heard on the news years later that he was dead, killed by the US military… Did you see a body? Or did you simply believe that he had been caught, killed, and his remains thrown into the ocean? Actually, one photo did make it out, and it is obviously yet another total fraud by the US Government, in that it is simply a Photoshopped version of a previously-known photo. Numerous reports have circulated that bin Laden died of natural causes as early as 2002, almost certainly linked to problems with his liver.    

  In a video in which bin Laden admitted being behind the 9/11 attacks, the actor in the video, and I must stress ACTOR because he looks nothing like Osama bin Laden, writes with his right hand (bin Laden is left handed). Check out the comparison photos, apologies for the graininess, and make the decision yourself:

The actor is clearly not a good likeness of him but the US Government clearly played on the general ignorance or intolerance of US citizens to overlook this fact and see Saudi Arabians as ‘all looking the same’.

The real Osama bin Laden issued public statements that he had nothing to do with 9/11 and that he thought the loss of life on that day was terrible, and something he would never condone.

And the 19 “Terror Suspects” we all saw in the newspapers in the days following 9/11? The ones who supposedly carried out the attacks? The US Government has now confirmed that they did not actually have any evidence as to who was behind the attacks. Many of the people believed to have been on the airplanes weren’t on any passenger lists, and in fact turned up in the days and weeks following, living out their normal lives in their home countries, not terror suspects at all! The man believed to be one of the main suspects, Mohammad Atta, actually phoned his father on September 12th, further evidence that he was not aboard either of the planes which hit the World Trade Center.

The biggest question in all of this, and the one I hear most often from the older generation is: Why would our own government do this to us?

The answer isn’t simple, and is such a large subject that you must take this book as your starting point and do that research for yourself.

Put into the most simple terms: The people who rule the world are not the people you think. Presidents are merely spokespeople who follow the instructions given to them by bankers and corporation owners. They want as much money and power as is humanly possible. I’m sure you’ll have heard rumours of The Illuminati, and this is something that requires a lot of reading to fully explain, and I personally don’t like to give them such a lofty title. They are merely very rich people who use their money to buy power. Power that allows them to control the people of the world.

When people bandy around the phrase “Conspiracy Theories”, it somehow belittles what myself and thousands of others are trying to do here.

“Conspiracy” simply means that something secretive was done behind the scenes by two or more people. It doesn’t equate to “This isn’t the official story so they must be nutjobs.” Sadly we live in a world where even the news media is controlled by our Governments, to the point where nobody knows if what they see on the evening news is true at all. It’s all just a veil thrown over the world to keep us from seeing the real truth. Please look into it further, you’ll see that I’m not an isolated author, making up stories about 9/11. Everything described in this book happened, and is fully researchable and well-documented on the Internet, where it is much more difficult for the powers that be to police what is being said. By not trying to find more out about it yourself, you’re opening yourself and the world up to further attacks which will be carried out against us all in order for them to act out their nefarious plans.

The beginnings of their plan have already come into play. “The Patriot Act”, which renders all your rights obsolete means that you can be arrested for no reason, given no rights to a lawyer, and held indefinitely if they believe you to be a terrorist. With no evidence. Police forces across the country have been militiarised and your rights are slowly been eaten away.

And this is only the beginning.

The elite group of wealthy men have had their plan for a very long time, but it is finally coming to fruition. Everyone needs to wake up and see the world as it really is.

A Google search is all it takes, and your mind will be opened to the horror that surrounds us on a daily basis. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this book, and I hope you’ll pass your findings on to everyone you know. Education is the key to stopping events like these from taking place again.

The main thing to take away from this book is: Whether you believe all of the information above or not, at least some of it must resonate with you, especially the parts for which we have tangible photographic evidence like the Pentagon having never been hit by an airplane. And if one part of the story has been lied about by the US government and the mainstream media… who’s to say what else they’re lying about?  


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