in #nigeria7 years ago

Great Minds,

Integrity defines a man of substance and value. It places distinguishes and honour a man that has it with respect and attraction. A man of integrity is one who own up to his words, he is upright, he is not carried away by temporary satisfaction, he stands his ground to defend and protect the truth . I read a story about integrity that inspires me a lot. Let ms share the same story with you and hope you will be inspired too.

It is a story about a man whose integrity was tested and thank God he passed and I bet you we are being tested unknowingly and most times we fail out of greed and momentary gain.

It was John a graduate of Purchasing and Supply who went to meet a family member who promised him job offer. The relation was a well known man in the city and no doubt about his ability to help, because he trades with big men.

Soon enough, he called John one morning to meet him at his office which he did. He got there and met two other men together with his relation . He told John to wait while they bring their meeting to an end. So he went back to the reception.

Shortly, he called John hurriedly after putting a call through to the receptionist. He requested he get him a car spare part. He sent John with what looked like he had no idea of the price. So he gave John excess cash and he instructed him to buy with any amount he get to price it. So he took his car.

He suggested an area where John could find it to make it easier. And since he had no other place in mind, he went to the area he had mentioned.

He checked about 4 different shops and noticed the price was with a difference of hundreds. But the lowest of the price was 12,000naira. He was given 45,000naira. He finally bought it at 12,000 naira.

On his way back. He started feeling uneasy and began to contemplate on the remaining cash.

He thought about making and claiming the price was much more. He thought of making it over 30k; he also thought again about making it just 22k after all he was still going to tender a lot of cash.

He was really broke during that period which made it a tough test. He thought of several urgent things I needed that he would've been able to attend to.

Then It came to his mind that

"The blessing of God, it makes rich, and adds no sorrow with it."

He couldn't pray about what choice to make.

But Firmly, he took a stand never to give a different price. He returned to his office and gave him the cash left.

The big man asked about how he had gone pricing and buying which John explained exactly how he had gone to several shops to make sure the price wasn't outrageous.

Just like a movie, all the men in the office stood up to shake John's hands. He reached for their hands nervously as he was surprised.

Those men in there, were there to experience John final test before his appointment for a post. They were manager and director of a private company.

They needed a purchasing officer fitting to handle both big and little 'purchase' in their establishment.

They've access to the mobile contacts of All the shops that sells car parts in that area. It was just a call to confirm how much he had paid.

They were happy while he was still shocked with the question what if...

He was proud of himself.

That was how he got the job.

(Story copied from a friend @eteng)

A lot of times we miss precious opportunity because of our insincerity and greed. You rob your future of great fortune for lack of integrity. John would have missed this awesome opportunity if he had listened to his dirty thoughts and considered his poor temporary condition but he resisted the urge and he was celebrated.

Let's work hard to stand clean and be sincere at all times and surely it will pay off one day.

Live sweet and enjoy.

Thank you for reading.

Steemit Bloggers



What an inspiring read. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


Integrity... Yes!!!

This is the word upon my personal ruler. I live with integrity... 'nuff said.

I would love to see a world where more folks behaved in a similar way.. I try to applaud it when I see it.

Yes, the best way to encourage integrity is to applaud and reward it when noticed. Thanks

Wonderful story, and a great reminder that integrity can be rewarded! Thanks for sharing this motivational piece with #steemitbloggers 😊

Such a great story and lesson to learn and to hold! Yes, integrity is a precious character to have. When we have integrity, whatever that's placed in our hands to steward will be blessed.

A powerful message to remember along the road of life @princeso

Visiting from #steemitbloggers daily member boost.

Thank you dear for picking something here.

Your words hold a lot of truth, even on a platform like Steemit, if we practice integrity and avoid greed, we can prosper so much more!

You are right, we need more people with honest and sincere heart who will not think much of themselves all times here on steemit.

Thanks so much for contributing to this post

Integrity can be overlooked sometimes because it doesn't look that significant these days. However, integrity would speak so much of a person, whether he or she fears God or not, it is a great attribute that holds the character together. This is an interesting story to highlight integrity, great job @princeso :)

You are right, it speak you loud positively in your absence. Thanks for your comment

A very good sharing @princeso!

very nice story. indeed, integrity will speak volumes even when the act itself was done in quiet contemplation. :3

The struggle to resist temptation is real as it was for John but glad he chose wisely
Liked the story 😊