in #nigeria7 years ago

50 insightful proverbs from the indigenous hausa ethnic group native to the present-day northern part of Nigeria.


  1. A yi, a gamma, ta fi takamma, gobe a koma.

To do, to finish, is better than don't care, come back to-morrow.

Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day.

  1. Hakki da ka rena shi kan soni maka ido.

The grass which you disregard will injure your eye.

No man or thing is too insignificant to be altogether disregarded.

  1. Rua ba su yami banza.

Water does not get bitter without a cause.

There is reason for everything.

  1. Yawa shi kan sa zarre ya ja duchi.

Quantity makes the cotton draw a stone.

Unity is strength.

  1. Na dumka riga babu wuya, wonda ya yanka wuva shi sa ma kainshi.

I have sown a riga without a neck, let him who cuts a neck for it put it on.

If the cap fits put it on.

  1. Idan rua ya zubar, ya ber tulu, ya yi keau.

Even if the water is spilt, as long as the tulu is not broken, no harm

Don't cry over spilt milk. That can be remedied.

  1. Ba domin tsawo akanga wata ba.

The moon is not seen because of great stature.

It is by no merit of yours that you have done that, Any one can do it.

  1. Fawa biu tana bata hankali'n kuda.

Two pieces of meat confuse the mind of the fly.

To hesitate between two choices.

  1. Rama ba mutua ba.

Being thin is not dying.

Appearances are deceptive.

  1. Ya zamma wandu dei dei da gatto'n kowa.

He is a pair of trousers that fit every one's thighs.

He is so powerful that everyone fears him.


  1. En chi dadi da yawa en wohalla, gara en chi babu dadi wonda ni ke koshi.

Better to eat something not tasty which is enough, than to eat something tasty which upsets me.

Enough is as good as a feast

  1. Mai tambaya ba shi bata, sai dei asheerinsa ka tonoa.

He who asks does not go wrong, but his secret is dug up.

Before you ask for information be quite sure that it will not give away your objective.

  1. Da kura tana da magani'n zawo, da ta yima kanta.

Had the kura (doctor) the means of curing itself of zawo (sickness) it would have done so.

Physician heal thyself.

  1. Asa zuchia ta chi, shi ya kawo ji'n yungwa.

To make the heart eat is to bring a feeling of hunger.

Wishing for a thing makes one feel the want of it.

  1. Babba juji ne, kowa ya zo da shaara sai ya zubar.

The chief is like a dust-heap, everyone comes with his sweepings and deposits them.

The master is the recipient of all complaints and troubles.

  1. Kunkurru ya so dambe, ba shi da yasa.

The tortoise wishes to fight with his fists, but he has no fingers.

Impotent wrath.

  1. Komi ya ke chikkin dan kaza, shafu ya deddi da sanninshi.

Whatever there is inside a chicken the hawk has been familiar with it for a very long time.

Repetition of an action enhances familiarity.

  1. Kadda ya yi chikki, ya haifu wuya.

Don't let him conceive and bring forth trouble.

Don't do something that you will be sorry for afterwards.

  1. Ganni ba chi ba ne.

To see is not to obtain.

To see a thing does not necessarily mean that you will obtain it.


  1. Tilas ba ta rassa daki'n kwana.

Compulsion does not lack a house to sleep in.

Necessity knows no law.

  1. Idan dei a chini ba a seyer ba, kaza ta fi doki.

If it is a matter of eating and not of selling, then the hen is better than a horse.

Everything has its own peculiar uses.

  1. Madaki shi ya san enda rua ke zubar mashi.

The owner of the house knows from where the water drips on him.

Everyone knows his own business best.

  1. Kworria ta bi kworria, en ta bi akoshi sai ta mutu.

The calabash follows the calabash, when it follows the wooden basin it gets broken.

Don't meddle with anything which is outside your sphere.

  1. Kowa ya ga shamuwa da kwushinta ya ganta.

Everyone who sees the raven knows it by its red legs.

Everyone has some peculiarity by which they are known.

  1. Woni tsuntsu ya ke gudu rua, agwagwa rua ta ke nema.

Some birds avoid water, the duck searches for it.

Everyone to his own taste.

  1. Gudu da susa'n gusu ba shi yi.

Running and scratching oneself is not possible.

You can't do two things at once.

  1. Da babu wawa gara da wawa.

Better to have a fool than no fool at all.

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

  1. Banza ba shi kai zomo kasua.

"Do nothing" does not bring a hare to market.

Nothing can be done without work.

  1. Ayi taffia ya fi zamma.

"Move about” is better than “sit still".

An active and willing man is better than an unwilling one.

  1. Ba samu'n abinchi ke da wuya, wurinda zaka je ka chishi shi ke da wuya.

As the hen says, "It is easy enough to find food, but hard to get away to a place where you can eat it in peace."

Your friends and relations always want a share of your goods.


  1. Rammamme kada maikibba.

The very thin defeats the very fat.

The unexpected happens.

  1. Saba'n ido shi ke sa areni.

"Being used to by the eye" causes contempt.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

  1. So daia giijia'n makafo ta kona, na bin sal shi cliita dainya.

Once the blind man's ground-nut is burnt (while he is cooking it) next time he eats it raw.

A burnt child fears the fire.

  1. Da da mahaifi ba arrabbasu.

The son and his father are not to be divided.

Like father like son.

  1. Yaro mai’n kaza ne, en ya ji rana, sai shi narke.

A boy is like a hen's fat, when it feels the sun it melts.

A boy has not a man's endurance, any hardship will overcome him.

  1. Wata ya seyray kankantchi'n garra.

Does the moon trouble itself about the punishment of an ant?

Do not trouble yourself about frivolities.

  1. Kworria wonda akaginna rijia, ba a shan rua da shi.

The calabash with which the well has been dug, water is not drunk from it.

To cast aside old friends who have served their turn.

  1. Wonda yal fada rijia, ko anbashi kaifi'n takobi ya kamashi.

A man who falls into a well will seize even the edge of a sword.

Clutch at straws.

  1. Da yeyefi kwogi kan chikka.

Small showers fill the stream.

Perseverance finishes work.

  1. Allah ba ya ba gwanni'n tona tsaba.

Allah does not give the expert in chewing any grain.

You can't have everything.

  1. Koda zaki ya zamma wulakantachi, ba ya yi wasa da khinzeri ba.

Though the lion is humbled, he won't play with the pig.

Certain characteristics can’t be altered no matter the situation.

  1. Bera yana ganni'n raminshi, ba ya yi yerda wutta ta chishi ba.

A rat who is in sight of its hole will not allow the fire to catch him.

A man who sees safety ahead of him will make a last effort.

  1. Idan gora tana rawwah, ba chikka ne ba.

If the bottle is shaking it will not be filled.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  1. Ba ni na kasshi zomo ba, rataya akabani.

I did not kill the hare, it was given me slung.

I am only doing what I have been told to do; I can't help myself.

  1. Tsuntsu da ya kirra'n rua, shi rua kan duka.

The bird that calls out for rain, the rain strikes it.

To get more than you asked for.

  1. Idan ka ji makafo ya che “zo mu yi wasa'n jifa" ya taka duchi ne.

Beware of a blind man who says, "Let us play at stone throwing," he most likely has a stone under his foot.

Be on your guard against a man who invites you to compete at anything you know he is not generally good at.

  1. Kadda ka yi fasshi'n majibaari, wonda ya yi fasshi ya fadda wutta.

Don’t be foolishly angry, like a moth ; the man who gets angry falls into the fire.

The moth flying against a light is supposed to be angry with it.

  1. Ka aje tukwa kamma'n gauraka.

You have a crest like a crown bird.

You are very proud.

  1. Alkemma bissa duchi, Allah shi kan bashi rua.
    Allah will give water to the wheat on a rock.
    Allah will look after you if no one else will.

  2. Mai ido daia ba ya gode Allah ba, sai ya ga makafo.

The one-eyed man only thanks Allah for his one eye when he sees a totally blind man.

You never know when you are well off.
