An Educated Mind Will Always Tolerate.

in #nigeria6 years ago

It is the sign of an educated mind to completely accommodate a thought without actually accepting it. What's bad is when you're being forced to believe that thought as the only valid thought, scraping your thought away, by the person with the thought.

That creates room for educational oppression which my tummy doesn't settle with. It is a right for every thinking man to brood on a thought. Whatever it may be, be it right or wrong, a thinking man is allowed to store and or hold different thoughts and because of individual differences, the cognitive domain shows us that we all have different ways of thinking which are caused by different factors. It may be environmental factors, prenatal factors, and more to mention. That is why a diagram '6' would be drawn on the floor, one'd see that '6' as it is, and the other would disagree that the diagram shows a '9' and the two would lapse into a serious Argument. The trickish part is that neither of them is right nor wrong. It's just the way both of them see things. The different ways their minds work. So, as a man, and an educated one at that, it is right for you to hold your own thought and see it as the right and the only valid one, but it is most important that you try and understand that other people would disagree with your doctrines and dogmas for we are all different beings. That's where education comes in.
But there are times when someone would want to push their own doctrines and beliefs on you. These ones are what I'd like to call Mindless Zombies. For they have been brainwashed by the source of that thought, and told that this thought is the only valid one. So they go about thrashing everyone's thought, and elevating theirs. Hence, wreaking havoc on the educated mind of others, birthing confusion. We deal with these Zombies with caution. Needless to say that they are always very persistent in changing the way that one thinks by all means possible. They even displace your belief right before you, making it lose its worth, and highlight theirs. Take caution, take mind, use no foul language to tell them off, instead educate them more concerning the degree of their own stupidity. Give a detailed description of how insensitive and misguided they are. Take heed, do not do this immediately. Only try this oppressive method when they've gone past their boundaries.

And if you're one that disregards others for their way of thinking, it is advisable that you must stop. There is an adage that says we all emerged from different families and it is expected that we shouldn't act the same way, think the same way. Understand that everyone thinks differently and everyone thinks that their own way is the right way. Accept everyone for what or who they are.

Do not judge. You don't have to accept a thought, you just have to accommodate it.