The need for passion+winner of the $50 horror story writing co test
hello everyone
Quite an Interesting day it is in cryptocurrency , once again, the market is bleeding out and panic sellers are causing even more downward movements.
Its funny, because each time the market dips, the reaction is almost always the same, more shouts of scam ponzi the tales never end. I am of the opinion that everyone is entitled to their beliefs. If you feel its a scam, then it probably is, for you that is, the rest of us will go on utilizing this technology for the betterment of our lives and the lives of those around us.
This of cause leads me to the topic at hand today, the need for passion in any endeavor.
Now we all know crypto came a long time ago, but it wasnt around December 2017 that there was a lot of news about what cryptos where, a lot of upward trends and all that. Basically , i see the problems we are having now, being caused by weak hands who entered the market solely for the profit , without reading the manual first, and as a result have no incentive to make them hodl.
Passion, they say is that which kedps you burning, long after the money/excitement/incentives/immediate values have stopped coming forth. It is that which gives you the guts to stick with what you know and love, even thlugh the whole world is tellong you to back off.
A short story about myself
Destinysaid was a young man who discovered the joy of music production after being a somewhat good keyboard player for years. Being fascinated by the craft, he spent the better part of his time on his laptop, neither minding women nor drinks nor fun, because all the fun he needed was right on that small screen, and although the incentives for being a producer werent forthcoming, little to no record session, little to no artists to jump on the beat, laughable fees just so man could est, but the passion kept him, the fact that he loved what he did kept him, and still does. These days his regular routine consists of playing the piano for hours, steeming for hours, trading crypto, producing weird soinds just for the lol, sometimes record songs, and most importantly, communicating with his girlfriend
End of story
There are many inbetweens in that story, many uo and downs, but we'll keep it short..
Amour de crypto
We all hear of HODL!! But many dont hear of LEARN! like seriously , there are thousands of resources out there that'll teach what crypto is, what its all a out, why the technology ois great and the futre we can look forward to via cryptocurrency .
Dont just be the dude that buys every coin because your uncles sister son predicted it would rise, no, read whitepapers, read project reports, understand the tech, fall in love with it, and then youll know how the money flows.
Yku dont just throw money into forex do you? You'll be burnt out before you can say jack.
This is a new tech, a disruptive tech, a tech currently changing the world.
.you can either be on two side, the dide that makes small profit and is never head of again, or the type thst builds on this technology .
Make a decision today.
$50 horror writkng competition .
It was difficult finding just one person to give this to, i mean, come on, there were many interesting entries, for the sake of easy identification , i voted the top stories i could ses. Were really scary.
At the end, th final vertict was between @soorefunmi and@alex-rudeandlund.
Ill be giving out $25 to each of them
hay @destinysaid your goot
Mehn, the market is not just red, it is bleeding out. But then, nothing good comes easily.
About the panic sellers.. I wish there was a way they could all be sensitized about the disadvantage of what they're doing or about the advantage of choosing to hodl in the time of dips like this... Because sincerely, they're panic sometimes could be infectious or really irritating how ever the case may be....
Nevertheless... Me, I choose to hodl o... I'm here as much for the extra Buck,as the fun...
Secondly... From your write up.. I just found out some things..
Thanks for this post all together sire@destinysaid
When you know better you do better. Alot of people jumped into the market based on someone else recommendation and invested without know the nature and character of the market. Thanks for sharing
Would love to hear your sounds am guessing they would be dope
Invest now and reap tomorrow. You won't regret it.
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Lol... I love the part where you wrote that you did not mind womwen, drinks or fun.
You are definitel right. It is the love and passion one has for something that would work out for him at the end of the day.
Your story is definitely very inspiring!
I read the entry of @soorefunmi, and she did a very good job. Nice one.
Thats cool men. You did a good judgement with the prize. Record session overloaded coming soon. As for crypto... hmmm.
Single-mindedness is a virtue.
The way of life and selling money with the currency is very unusual dizaman current trends