Are those aliens fools who made those crop circles??steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nibiru8 years ago

even though our human race has so many languages, but we all know that pictures the best means of communication.
do you think we are alone?!! :D :D :D No we r not. execpt the facts look around you... but if you guyz are flourinated then god help you guys...
do you think those much more advanced civilisation has no work other than drawing crop circles. they all convey a msg.
n that is we are roated.
have you guyz heard about nibiru. yes the X th planet. or the second sun. yes it exists.
no it wont collide with earth... but the other planets/moon revolving around it can....
its tail has large pieces of rocks which will bring a meter shower on earth. n god knows how big meteors.
The work of any govt is to lie to you. so that the rich can be at the top n the poor who r good for nothing, work for them n even their children work for the rich without even knowing it.... the govt extorts us every day, On the lie of terror . they create terror so that we give up our freedom (the best example isis,)

ever thought why gadafi was killed, why sadam hussain was killed?
why would you....!
any ways those crop circles were there for a reason. they told us about the dooms day. about the big wave thats cooming.
prepare yourself guyz... n ya the rich have already moved themselves to the deep underground bases 4km below the earth.
prepare for 3000ft tsunamies, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.

n ya ever thought why the seed bank of norway was made? go search it on google .. you will get a 1000 pages on it.!
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a secure seed bank on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near Longyearbyen in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago, about 1,300 kilometres from the North Pole.
now open your eyes n run.