NBA Top Shot NTF Hype is REAL but is it really worth it?

in #nft4 years ago

The Hype Around NBA Top Shot is REAL

If you are on the fence about NFT’s and the entire crypto asset space something like NBA top shot might be a bit strange to you. But if you’re familiar with Bitcoin and the blockchain space you have likely had a personal experience with NFT’s. You might remember Krypto Kitties or some other now nostalgic digital asset.

For either camp the question of validity should now be answered with the an organization like the NBA starting to take interest in the creation and distribution of digital assets. Not just any digital asset either these are paired with the NBA’s top players. And fans and players alike now have the potential to own and hold moments of NBA history. Does this mean they have tapped into the older baseball card holding fans and the new digital age fans into a new fusion that will appease both? Let’s find out.