NFT Introduction

in #nftlast month

Lately, I've been working on some NFT cartoons, as well as photography of information towers eg radio towers.

In computer sciences, one can be considered an information scientist if they have held one of several different job titles working for over 10 years in the industry. I am a System Analyst and for some time been an Information Scientist. For ten years I have been unable to practice my career with all my energy. Circumstances bring me frequent travel and have lived across the country. I see information towers as a modern-day landmark frequently seen in the past as communities church steeples. I.feel photography of these towers as very appropriate for satisfying my interest in technology during my unexpected predicament.

The cartoons I plan to publish and share on social media come out of the traumatic stress I am experiencing. Note that this is different from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which if I live to see I hope to consider optimistically as miracle or progress. I'll try not to speak too much more about this common invisible problem but it has produced a few positive things, notably an unlimited seeming number of unbelievable stories in this short but sorrowful decade of my life. The dark humor comes from this and the artwork comes from generative AI.

Currently, in this journey I find myself involuntary participant an information war and government refusal to address my concerns and over ten years and thousands of email letters. My job as an employee typically requires interaction and securing databases this would include source code as well as trade secrets and countless pieces of personal or private information such as passwords or banking details. My field as many others are relied upon to not share sensitive or secret or private information. In fact during an interview I would be well amiss if I didn't explain how I'm basically not hireable due to the problems targeted individuals experience such as stalking mind reading synthetic telepathy also called v2k and directed energy weapons even deepfake needs to be discussed. To be complete I'd also have to make a note about the confusion of prolific offenders and agent provocateurs otherwise known as spies or other threat actors and differentiate those targeted individuals from what victims themselves describe as being being targeted individuals, regular citizens who did not agree to anything happening to them and are victims of a crime in this society and indeed all even non-free countries have laws against the behavior that causes distress and eventually death.

Free countries will need to make some changes or in the words of a colleague we will be extinct. Freedom faces existential thread from a combination of plausibly deniable anonymous crimes and the unexpected popularity of modern day technology enhanced slavery. The prospect of brain and computer both under your control. information scientists often prefer secure protected and accessible surveillance. The way I see it, with such powerful technology available how is it that people still go missing or die and we don't know what happened to them. Still teenagers from around the world log into your email or home computer., clearly if I'm playing soccer I can't be checking my email there's something wrong here. Indeed if you don't see someone face to face you don't even know if there's even alive. Brain technology is advancing rapidly and understanding how the brain operates and altering its behavior are easily done and as DARPA puts it more applications for wireless brain technology need to be submitted because wired technologies and chips are no longer necessary. Indeed doctors now speak about wireless technology to replace medication rather than chips which have side effects although less than medication wireless is truly optimal. Linguistics expert Noam Chomsky spoke at the IEEE to the scientists that presented and defined connectomics. Linguistic and others, like the mathematician Douglas Hofstadter, have long theorized about how the brain stores meaning or memes. Our identity intellectual property possessions and lives are threatened by our strong respect for privacy and use of surveillance currently doesn't do much against human trafficking for protect anybody except the owner and to that very limited protection is involved typically doesn't even anonymize or properly secure the identities of people on the surveillance and is simply for insurance and rarely used for anything else. This serious problem will become a very serious problem in the future if immediate action isn't taken according to a speaker in the House of Commons with credentials from the United States an expert from the military.

Please help me and our country by donating sharing or purchasing. f you want to help but cannot donate or buy any NFTs please write a quick email. Search your favorite search engine for the current minister of public safety Canada email and send a quick email about how brain technology victims p and the public need immediate protection especially for the next generation which often like Sandy Hook are gone and we can only guess that they were terrorized with technology and I think in the case of Sandy Hook he most certainly was a victim but didn't have the experience or knowledge to figure it out. Many such cases follow the same description and are totally ignored, the victims medicated and silence themselves after that if they ever speak about it again.

Young people often can't remember any day of their life that existed without a person speaking to them that they're often unaware they can look out their eyes with the our goggles for example or tell what they're thinking often they'll write on paper to communicate with the person the very real person which is not a hallucination or mental illness and often they know this. The situation for the people under the age 19 where they are often pulled out of school and told they're going to live a different life bye please send psychiatrist and often their parents shows the numbers of people reporting this problem compared to the number of people that have this problem are the smallest for younger people and as well from what I can tell mentally ill people will never report this problem it is rather amusing when you have a mental illness it's rather sad situation but to experience this technology for me at least is a little bit exciting even if it's used so and I know from personally interacting with people that are meant to Ill it's really quite amusing sometimes when they are aware of the situation.

I considered myself to have been a typical Canadian and have seen all political parties in control of the house, which includes briefings on secret information as well as the minister of public safety position who is in charge of the ministry of public safety which includes emergency doctors as well as police and indeed our intelligence agencies. Canadians deserve and need immediate action and funds dedicated to this growing problem. Please help me and my family by mentioning my case directly in your email to the minister of public safety I would appreciate if you point at me directly. If all the victims were computer scientists a lot more people would write about the problems they experienced because technology is the solution for almost any of the problems victims are often perplexed in an answer let alone describing why they did or said something. Be as persuasive as you can be and forward me on the email if you wish at [mailto:[email protected]]

Your sport will not be wasted, many others have stated publicly they're not suicidal and won't ever kill themselves and I've done the same. I'll reiterate here that I will never go postal or kill myself or others as violence never helps promote an idea. As explained by Viktor Frankl founder of logo therapy I believe in encouraging those suffering to look for meaning worth living for and always discourage suicide. Ahimsa(sp?) as explained by Gandhi in a book of the same title is a practice of non violence and activism or protest with non violence. In free countries this is protected as peaceful civil disobedience and brings your message to more people than violence.

I administer one of the Facebook groups for targeted individuals Canada and you can read more about my situation and thousands of other victims and support my cause on my blog published on the blockchain steemit. []. For every share I also earn a small bit of cryptocurrency which I can spend if you spread my posts.

NFTs have become a nice relief from this unfortunate but at least challenging situation. I rely on your donations and often receive support on the street. I would greatly appreciate it if people would consider purchasing my NFTs or share them with others. Links to my Twitter and Instagram as well as my NFTs are available on CRONOS or on NANO

Here’s a cartoon I’ve been working on!
