
Ama join you soon, that will be awesome

No worries - we can have a BBQ for tea as well..Lamb or Steak?

Got beers & weed - see ya soon :)

Beers!🍻 making sense, what’s your favorite beer?

Corona, but i am too frightened to drink them now

I’ve never had Corona before. I’m not sure we have this brand in my country.
Mine is 33, Budweiser, Star and Trophy.

This article is available in Arabic language lessons for beginners
The meaning of this article:

  • Corona
  • Created
  • At the time
  • Full of lies

Why are you afraid? I don’t think Coronavirus could survive in the beer?
At least I hope not...maybe a twist of lime and salt will protect from Coronavirus too... 🤣😂

!giphy no+coronavirus

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

We’ll be expecting you