On Immigration, Trump Is Not Racist

– He's Right
- President Trump, in a White House address, forcefully endorsed the RAISE Act, as previously introduced by Senators Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga). This is a bill that would dramatically reduce the level of legal immigration and revert back to the immigration process in place prior to the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 – an abandonment of American immigration policies in place for nearly 100 years. Yet the left and the mainstream media, such as Jim Acosta of CNN, are predictably caterwauling about fairness and tossing around threadbare charges of racism. While not admitting it openly, apparently, their belief is that virtually anyone from anywhere in the world should be allowed to come into the country, regardless of economic circumstances or educational background.
However, the United States, as does any nation, has a duty to secure its borders as well as ensure the welfare and livelihood of its citizens and thus allow immigration only under terms it sees fit.
I think this is the right of a country, and the decision of a leader, maybe it's best for him ,,,,, it is his own responsibility mr. @everittdmickey
#jewshatefreespeech #jewishimmigrationpolicy #defundisrael