
I mean, you couldn't take a look at his wallet or anything to find out...

What makes you think that?
Did you look?
What did you see?
I saw lots and lots of delegations in and out a substantial amount of liquid Steem and Steem Power.
lots of potential witness votes in all those accounts

I took his word for it.
But since you are persistent, I looked.
You don't see where he bought 269k steem 6 days ago and then sent it to his alt account and then delegated 250k of it to OCDB today? You need to work on your steem wallet forensic skills.

I forgot to compliment you on your forensic skills.
Unfortunatly I do not have any. I can only see as far as Steem being deposited into accounts from exchanges. I have no idea about how to find out about the actual purchase. For all I know it could have arrived from another Steemit account through an exchange.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make?
I know there are real people operating the accounts and I know those people are very keen to attract new investors to drive the price up.

And I can see he is trying to paint a rosy picture for potential investors. not sure what you are thinking

I don't know. You seem pretty opinionated for an account that opened a couple of weeks ago. Or are you a fictional character projecting unto him? ;)
Screen Shot 2019-09-22 at 23.43.36.png

The Post and the account seem just like an advertisement. Ra ra ra Buy Steem NOW you have control bla bla bla
There is nothing evil about it.
Its just that its not the whole story. We have some problems here regarding retention of users, abuses of users with flags, its very difficult for new accounts like mine to grow through curation. It appears that we have one big whale who owns the controlling stake of Steem and just about call all the shots. Its more helpful when we can see both sides of a story.

Ah and its not the size of your cock that counts : )

The dude is putting his money where his mouth is and has been since he’s been here. Even if you see him as this,


We need a bit of that with all the Negative Nancy’s and Doubting Thomas’s...I cant think of any other adjectives and names so I’ll just call a

!dramatoken for our friend.

Care to elaborate? What makes you believe “its just another fictional character”?

All scam, all the time. I don't even know if I am real.

I met you, and I'm still wondering if what I saw was real :-/

Something so hideous must be imaginary.

or so tiny its easy to miss? :-)

We're not real. This all one big hallucination created by someone under the influence of their own form of truth. I'm stepping out the matrix now to show everyone the true truth, even though it could mean the end of me, who is really nobody, according to them.

This is reality and the outside is the inside and the truth of them is that we are their creators, not them our captors.

Am I real?... I'm confused... slowly fading... or am I just the imagination of one of my many alt accounts.

Where is the earth from the rabbit hole? Am I the rabbit? Why is my home full of steem?

One thing is certain. Dan is invisible and he's powering up water in a gaseous state to build his digital home with blocks made of numbers created all over the world.

Am I the rabbit?

No. The hole.

I always considered myself more 'a hole' tbh 😂


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