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RE: ROGUE MORNINGS - Wage Growth, China Exits Deutsche Bank & Deepstate Stupidity

in #news7 years ago

I hate to break it to you V but the constitutional republic has fallen, no amount of (rigged) voting is going to restore it. The corporations control both sides of every vote, thus, they never loose. The establishment has infiltrated both democrats and republicans, so it does not even matter which side you vote for. Not to mention the rigged digital voting machines. There are thousands of state senators and congressmen equally as corrupt that come from even more corrupt local and municipal government offices that are ready and waiting for their turn in the federal "lawmaking" political show, ready to do the bidding of their overlords.
The only way to turn the tide is to get people to wake up to the real agenda of government, which is to control and steal the wealth of everyone they can.
Facing reality is hard, but there can be no winning as long as government exists through involuntary taxation. Taxation = theft.