Sentimen Global Bikin Rupiah Melemah 1,13% selama Maret 2018

in #news7 years ago


Jakarta: Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat secara rata-rata harian mata uang rupiah terdepresiasi 1,13 persen selama Maret 2018. Meski nilai tukar rupiah mengalami depresiasi pada Maret 2018 namun mata uang rupiah bergerak stabil pada paruh pertama April 2018. Tekanan terhadap rupiah terutama disebabkan oleh perbaikan indikator ekonomi Amerika Serikat (AS) yang diikuti ekspektasi pasar akan kenaikan suku bunga Fed Fund Rate yang lebih agresif, serta risiko berlanjutnya perang dagang AS-Tiongkok.

''Hal tersebut mendorong pembalikan modal asing dan tekanan depresiasi nilai tukar pada berbagai mata uang dunia, termasuk Indonesia,'' kata Deputi Gubernur BI Dody Budi Waluyo di Gedung BI, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis 19 April 2018. Namun, lanjut dia, dengan didukung langkah stabilisasi yang ditempuh bank sentral serta sejalan dengan tetap terkendalinya inflasi, kenaikan rating Indonesia, dan surplus neraca perdagangan yang mendorong aliran masuk investasi portofolio asing, rupiah kembali stabil pada paruh pertama April 2018. ''Bank Indonesia akan terus mewaspadai meningkatnya risiko ketidakpastian pasar keuangan global dan tetap melakukan langkah-langkah stabilisasi nilai tukar sesuai dengan nilai fundamentalnya dengan tetap menjaga bekerjanya mekanisme pasar,'' jelas dia. Pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini, mata uang rupiah mengalami pelemahan mendekati level Rp13.800 per USD. BI mencatat mata uang rupiah melemah delapan poin dengan berada pada Rp13.778 per USD. Dilansir dari Bloomberg, mata uang rupiah tercatat melemah sebesar sembilan poin dengan berada pada level Rp13.785 per USD. Sedangkan menurut Yahoo, mata uang rupiah jatuh tujuh poin dengan berada pada level Rp13.778 per USD. (SAW)


Jakarta: Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded an average daily currency of rupiah depreciated 1.13 percent during March 2018. Although the rupiah exchange rate depreciated in March 2018 but the rupiah currency stabilized in the first half of April 2018. The pressure on the rupiah due to improved US economic indicators followed by market expectations of more aggressive Fed Fund Rate hikes, as well as the risk of US-China trade wars. "It encourages the reversal of foreign capital and the pressure of exchange rate depreciation on various world currencies, including Indonesia," said BI Deputy Governor Dody Budi Waluyo at BI Building, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Thursday, April 19, 2018. However, he, supported by the stabilization measures taken by the central bank and in keeping with the controlled inflation, the upgraded rating of Indonesia and the surplus of the trade balance that boosted the inflow of foreign portfolio investment, the rupiah stabilized in the first half of April 2018. "Bank Indonesia will continue to be wary of rising the risk of global financial market uncertainty and keep on stepping up the exchange rate stabilization in accordance with its fundamental value while maintaining the working of market mechanisms, '' he explained. At the close of trading today, the rupiah weakened near the level of Rp13.800 per USD. BI recorded the rupiah weakened by eight points at Rp13.778 per USD. Reported from Bloomberg, the rupiah currency recorded weakened by nine points to be at the level of Rp13.785 per USD. Meanwhile, according to Yahoo, the currency fell seven points with the level at Rp13.778 per USD. (SAW)


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