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RE: Jean-Claude Juncker Declares He Talked With Extraterrestrials About Brexit

in #news8 years ago (edited)

AMAZING post !!! is a casuality a few days ago I´m listening music like 2:00 am and I find a video that tells if u wanna contact with Alien, so serius video, and tells that our brain have the capabilites to see but we are like ants and maybe some external force want to kill us... I´m begin to listen the mix of sounds and I feel little scare and stop it...... :S this day I have 2 Paralysis of sleep and I listen i could not see Two persons talk about me in my room like and old guy and a kid I try to look but I can´t (first time with Paralysis of sleep in my life) then I find @an0nkn0wledge and their post about Exraterrestrials ^ ^ sorry for my english!!

) DONT SEE IT if u are not prepared... :S