
Great job on this, very comprehensive.

Amazing work on this! It is disturbing the work needs to be done but thank you

Good work @whitedeer9217 and I agree with the other commenters, someone has to do it.

Look at the views on this post and how few bothered to resteem it. (edited: not resteemable)
I would rather not look at this crap what some call art either, but people need to get shaken awake. How can anyone think that this 'art' is innocent?

How can anyone make excuses for a collector of such 'art' who also happens to be one of the most influential lobbyists in Washington DC?

And yet, the mainstream media makes excuses, even calling those asking questions crazy conspiracy theorists. Not only that, even alternative media are making one wants to touch this subject. You know what's crazy? Believing that a dude walked into a pizza parlor with a huge weapon unnoticed by the DC street cameras and happened to shoot the computer hard drive through the wall, destroying the evidence left on that computer. That's what's crazy!

Well, if there is nothing to fear, why not answer a few simple questions. Why all the censorship if all it is is art? Why is pizzagate/pedogate such a tabu subject when this 'art' is not? I just don't get it.

Disturbing article, but an interesting read. I recently did my first Steemit article on equity release. It's a great platform and I'm enjoying the diversity of content.

Interesting article. Thanks.