Clinton Foundation And Australian Government Money Laundering Scandal..

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Something we probably won't see on Sunrise or The Today Show here in Aus...

Retired Aussie Detective Michael Smith has been asked by the FBI to provide evidence he has regarding dodgy donations to the Clinton Foundation from Aussie tax payer dollars.

As the Case into fraudulent activity within the Clinton Foundation is reopened

Smith says he is preparing an official document of evidence for the FBI now, which include multiple offences involving both Bill and Hillary and multiple Australian government officials..


Offences from Smith listed below:

A $25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception in the 22 February 2006 MOU between
the Australian Government and
the Clinton Presidential Library and
the Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc (CHAI) -
Offenders Bill CLINTON and Alexander DOWNER.

The corrupt October 2006 backdating of false tender advertisements purporting to advertise the availability of
a $15M contract to provide HIV/Aids services in PNG
on behalf of the Australian Government,
after an agreement was already in place to pay the Clinton Foundation and/or associates.
Offenders Bill CLINTON and Alexander DOWNER

The unlawful and corrupt incorporation of an incorporated association known as
the "William J. Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative - PNG" - which took place
between 21 August 2006 and 10:03AM on 24 August 2006 - at
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Offenders Ruby SHANG and Bill CLINTON and certain PNG officials

The $10M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception
between 1 April 2008 and 25 September 2008, at
Washington DC, New York NY and Canberra Australia, involving an MOU between
the Australian Government,
the "Clinton Climate Initiative" and
the purported "Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc"
Offenders Kevin Michael RUDD, Bill CLINTON, Hillary CLINTON

The $14M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception
during September 2012 at
Canberra Australia and New York NY, involving the award of
a contract to the Clinton Foundation to design and build a carbon accounting scheme in Kenya
on behalf of The Australian Government; and
certain financial advantages obtained by Julia GILLARD as a result of the corrupt payments made under the purported contract, commonly known as the Clinton Foundation "Pay to Play" scheme
Offenders Julie Eileen GILLARD, then US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham CLINTON and Greg COMBET

The $88M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception
on 22 September 2014 at
New York NY, involving
a MOU between the Australian Government and certain Clinton Foundation entities
which purported to retrospectively erase the "Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc" (CHAI) as a contracting party with the Australian Government, and replace it with
the "Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc" (CHAI)
Offenders - Julie BISHOP and Bill CLINTON

Smith claims he is also preparing to file a private criminal prosecution of GILLARD in an Australian court along with formal advice to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions regarding the charges GILLARD will face.

Huge news, If what this former detective has is true, we could see some major governemnt crooks fall, they probably thought Hillary was a sure thing for President and none of their dirty laundry would ever see day light..

Let's just hope Smith does not have a fall in the shower or drop a bar bell on his neck while doing weights!



Notice "Alexander DOWNER" who supposedly heard some drunken utterings from Carter Page and passed them on the FBI.

Yes those drunken utterings that the FBI used to claim they did not use the Russian Dossier to justify spying on American citizens.

What sort of deal was done with Downer to get him to report that. About time he was thoroughly investigated - I suspect he is in neck deep with Clinton shenanigans.

That's it! I will be surprised if anything at all comes out of all this....probly not...but we can pray and hope!

And this is another thing Clif High has correctly predicted! A corruption scandal involving Australian politicians!

How good are cliff highs reports!

I always pay close attention to what he says @wakeupworldnews.

I heard about this! And these are the people running the world?

I know... It's sickening !

So they are funneling bucket loads of cash out the side door , it doesn't surprise me a bit.

The funny thing is the CIA & FBI funnel money into the Liberal party (now an official religious entity) and the ALP through their respective slush funds.

Having the FBI investigate it seems a bit like appointing a fox to guard the chickens.

I wonder how the balance sheets look.

That was my thought....the whole lot of them are crooks !

Thanks. Shared to my post. Upvoted.