10 Weirdest News Stories You Won’t Believe: From Squirrel Heists to Pizza in Space!

in #news4 months ago

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1. Man Trains Squirrel Army to Steal from His Neighbors
A man in the UK was reported to have trained a group of squirrels to steal from his neighbors. His plan involved feeding the squirrels peanuts and then sending them out to snatch items from porches. Local authorities warned residents to keep their valuables inside.

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2. Pizza Delivery to Space
In 2001, Pizza Hut made a historic delivery by sending a pizza to the International Space Station (ISS). Russian cosmonaut Yuri Usachov was the recipient of the "Space Pizza," which was delivered by a Soyuz spacecraft.


3. Chicken Becomes the Mayor of a Town in Alaska
In 1997, a chicken named "Stubbs" was elected as the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska. While Stubbs didn’t hold any official duties, he became a beloved figurehead and tourist attraction for the town.


4. Cow Escapes and Leads Police on a Wild Chase
In 2019, a cow in Scotland led police on a wild chase through the streets. The cow managed to evade capture for hours, causing chaos until it was finally corralled by officers. The police even posted humorous updates on social media during the pursuit.

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5. Man Mistakenly Sends Text Message to Wrong Number — Starts a Friendship
In 2016, a man from the U.S. accidentally sent a Thanksgiving dinner invite to a stranger. The stranger, a woman from another state, responded, and they started a friendship that led to several years of shared holidays and even in-person meetings.


6. "Dancing Plague" Strikes Strasbourg
In 1518, residents of Strasbourg (then part of the Holy Roman Empire) were struck by a sudden compulsion to dance uncontrollably for days on end. The phenomenon, known as the "Dancing Plague," reportedly affected dozens of people, with some even dancing to their deaths from exhaustion.

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7. The "Haunted" Painting that Moves
A painting of a woman in a British mansion was said to move its eyes and smile mysteriously when no one was looking. After numerous reports of strange occurrences in the house, the painting became famous for its creepy behavior, sparking debates about its supernatural origins.

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8. Man Sues for Being 'Overly Attractive'
In 2012, a man from Argentina filed a lawsuit claiming he was "too handsome" and suffered from being constantly harassed and objectified. He sought compensation for his emotional distress, although the case was eventually dismissed.


9. A Woman Calls 911 to Report an 'Unfair' Birthday Cake
In 2017, a woman in the U.S. called 911 to report that her birthday cake had been "ruined" by a bakery. She was upset because the cake she ordered wasn’t decorated the way she had requested. The 911 operator advised her to settle the matter with the bakery directly.

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10. Giant Rubber Duck Causes Traffic Jam in Sydney
In 2013, a giant inflatable rubber duck, measuring over 50 feet in diameter, was floated in Sydney Harbour as part of a public art installation. The giant duck attracted so many onlookers that it caused a traffic jam, as people flocked to see the enormous float.