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RE: Donald Trump Poll. I Want To Know What Real People Think Of This Guy.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

What do you think of Donald Trump?
I believe he is acting upon long held beliefs that he can Make America Great Again, (MAGA) and this can be seemingly proven by looking at old clips of prior statements such as an appearance on Oprah, where he thoughtfully discussed many of the nation's problems frankly. He was a registered Democrat then, but his path to the White House would have been 100 times more difficult had he stayed in that party. The Republicans are just as corrupt, but their primary is a bit easier to negotiate for a renegade like Trump.

Is he a smart man?
Yes, but "street smart" mostly, if lacking in formal education that most politicians have. Which is mostly useless, except to impress others in "Club Oligarch". He is also business smart, which can be useful in running the country, according to most voters.

Do you believe he's a Narcissist?
I do, and I know this because I am also. But hopefully I am a "recovering narcissist" at least. Many (most) great achievers are narcissistic, and one of the main elements of this trait is that they believe they can reach nearly any goal. His honest and sometimes brutal assessments of his opponents was heartily welcomed by nearly all of the primary voters, including Democrats... as long as it was directed at the Republican Field! Bernie Sanders would have been a much more formidable opponent than the utterly corrupt Clinton Cabal, but I suspect Trump would have used different tactics with "The Bern" but I know it would have been less effective.

Google and Facebook analytics predicted a huge landslide for Trump, but did not factor in probable voter fraud. Web-Bot, (Clif High) also predicted a similar result, but Clif stated that it would likely be much closer because he allowed that the fraud would be rampant. He was 100% Correct! The analytice predicted Trum would win FORTY STATES and easily take the popular vote. I suspect he did actually win the Popular Vote, but huge illegal and dead "turnout" in the dark blue states had around a million+ vote margin for "her majesty" :p Later results in states that she "won" conjured up quite a few more "votes" and I recall the final tally being around a 3 million vote margin. But with huge margins in the dark blue states... Go Figure!

I was on a pretty big Union Job, (powerhouse shutdown) and in our lunch room, Trump had a slight lead among the Union people! This is UNHEARD OF in a Presidential Election, Union Folks openly voicing support for a Republican POTUS candidate and winner ;)
Mush of this is due to the fact that he vowed to kill the TPP and he did, right out of the gate. He is also renegotiating NAFTA, and it will have to be better than it has been, it really sucks now! He has also promised to do the entire $1 Trillion Infrastructure upgrades bill under the Davis Bacon Act, meaning Prevailing Wages will be paid to all workers. Prevailing Wage means Union wage structures, but non-union contractors can bid, however they must pay their workers the higher union pay scale. The Trump Administration stated that this was in part to help garner Democrat support, and the unions will strongly push their Dem reps to vote for it, if it is not attached to some other horrible (in their eyes) legislation.

All in all, even if Trump has the most honorable intentions humanly possible, (and I am not saying he does, for sure) our "political process" can still screw up the entire deal, with sweetheart deals and BS that normally gets added in. So Trump still has a lot of obstacles, even without his own inherent shortcomings and frailties figured in. He was elected because he has a political "clean slate", but his possible second term is far from assured. The "fake news" and political establishments of both parties are set on kill, and I think it will take a miracle for Trump to get enough forward motion to do much more than some executive orders. I'm hoping for a Hail Mary like PizzaGate to totally explode and remove most of the established political sewer rats from DC, so at least if they "Get Trump" the next POTUS can maybe rectify some of the horrible sins of DC. It's a long shot, I know! But I still have HOPE...

Thanks for reading!