Today’s Google Doodle Celebrates The Best Breakfast Food, Chilaquiles

in #news10 months ago

Today’s Google Doodle Celebrates The Best Breakfast Food, Chilaquiles

Google Doodle Dives into Deliciousness with Chilaquiles!

Fire up your taste buds! Today's Google Doodle pays homage to a Mexican breakfast champion: Chilaquiles! This vibrant dish isn't just delicious, it's also resourceful. Crispy tortilla strips get bathed in salsa, acquiring a delightful balance of textures and flavors.

The Doodle, created by Oakland-based artist Chava Oropesa, is a playful depiction of this crowd-pleasing breakfast. But chilaquiles are more than just a morning meal. Their versatility makes them perfect for brunch, lunch, or even dinner.

So, why the Google Doodle love? On this day in 1962, the first widely-known recipe for chilaquiles was published. Since then, this Mexican masterpiece has been a staple on menus and a favorite for those who love a good breakfast scramble.

Whether you enjoy them red (chilaquiles rojos) or green (verdes), with eggs or simply on their own, chilaquiles are a delightful way to start your day. So next time you fire up your Google search, take a moment to appreciate this delightful dish and its celebration in today's Doodle!


Nunca lo he probado pero teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de chile que le ponen, probablemente no sería capaz de tatear ningún sabor de los ingredientes , de todas formas.