Best 5 ways to Improve your Mood using Photography.

in #news6 years ago

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1.Connect with your surroundings
Connections are crucial; with nature, animals, people, or a community. Feeling your feet connected to the ground, fixed but flexible, gives that balance of being stable yet free to roam and explore, one step at a time.

2.Find beauty in the smallest things
Look for beauty in the smallest things; a stalk of wheat, a little duck house, a hidden gateway, the mystery of abandoned steps, a friendly cow, sometimes even a rainbow if you’re lucky.

Discovering these elements along the way make every step worthwhile, and each time there is something different.

3.Feel lighter and less stressed
Feeling light, in body and mind. Walking has proven to lighten the load of not only stress but also weight, and taking photos while you walk gives you a sense of purpose, and provides a distraction from letting your mind wander too far in the wrong direction.

4.Use photos to change your mood
Photos can reflect mood, or change it. If it’s a grey day and you’re feeling sombre, try a black and white filter for monochrome melancholy. Or brighten a dull day by finding things with vibrant colours; a red umbrella or bright blue door.

Be spontaneous and use your natural instinct, follow whatever catches your eye.

5.Find inspiration in the city
‘Cityscapes’ can provide just as much inspiration as walking in the countryside. Many city walkers are walking with purpose; to get from point A to point B, but on a photowalk you can absorb a city differently.

For example, you can focus on architecture, words in the wild (on signs or graffiti), or capture the flow of daily life on a busy street. Urban stimulus for photos, or ‘street photography’, can be gritty or pretty, and make you notice things you might never have before.

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