The Information War is Dirty: Health Ranger Threatened
Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, has been threatened by "by left-wing media operatives", and it looks as though the war on the masses minds is as strong as ever.
Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director, posted an article on, where he is the founder and editor, stating in the opening line:
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am being threatened with the “complete destruction” of my reputation, my brand and my character by left-wing media operatives who have issued a new threat this week: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU.”
He is also the creator of,,, and several other websites covering natural health topics.
Adams continues in his post saying that he had previously received a USB thumb drive containing "opposition research, targeting Alex Jones" which he says that he has destroyed upon receiving it.
Why Alex Jones? Mike Adams appeared on Jones' InfoWars, (one of the most popular multi-media publishers of pro-America news, videos and radio broadcasts in the world) between 2011-2013, and it seems that these operatives are hoping to convince The Health Ranger to discredit Alex Jones using so-called 'insider information', obviously provided for by these same operatives, making such information Fake News.
It looks as thought the establishment, right-wingers, or whatever you want to call these people, are getting desperate, and this attempt at going via a proxy to discredit someone who they clearly believe is a threat (Alex Jones), is a very recognisable tactic.
There has been numerous attempts to silence a loud and strong anti-establishment voice. It has become common place to see popular YouTube channel owners coming out and sharing similar stories of abuse, from social media networks deleting and removing users, a famous example being controversial Milo Yiannopoulos who was banned from Twitter, to the #pizzagate sub-reddit on reddit being deleted from existence/
David Seaman, former Huffington Post contributor and now Independent Journalist also has been threatened. Seaman has also stated that his YouTube revenue and earnings have declined recently, not due to fewer users, but due to the YouTube reducing his earnings he receives from the network.
The Health Ranger continued in his post to say:
In various ways, I have been hounded since 2013 by left-wing criminals who are attempting to exploit my contact with Alex Jones to discredit his entire organisation and silence him forever. Time and time again, I have refused to take part in their nefarious plots. I flat-out refuse to be manipulated through false fear and intimidation tactics deployed by manipulative “media spooks” who are obviously very well funded but incredibly misinformed.
You can read his full post here
We at The Red Pill would like to take this opportunity to thank individuals like Mike Adams, Alex Jones, and David Seaman, and every independent journalist out there who despite the continuous threats to their lives, families, friends and livelihood, understand that there is no greater time than now for the freedom and distribution of information and understanding about the world we live in.
What Mike Adams and other people who share these threats on themselves and their identities with the rest of us, is to bring light to the situation. No darkness can tread where light shines, and by bringing these nefarious plots to light is a simple but powerful tool we can all use to stand up against freedom-sucking beings.
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