Why Our Global Unsustainable Economy Can Not Be Maintained (if you haven't been preparing the time is now)

in #news7 years ago

I'm sure everyone remembers 2008 - 2009 pretty well, and guess what were headed that way all over again... But this time the crash will be 200x's harder and will hit with little to no warning. If you are not prepared for these events the time to prepare is now. Not next week, not next month, or when you start to feel the struggle, start preparing right now. Just like last time we will not get much warning, if any at all. We will wake up one morning and life will be very different from then on.

The average citizen is living pay check to pay check, nothing is ever enough.. We are taking out loans for almost every move we make. From housing to buying cars, banks are again handing out money they know people can not afford to pay back. This is both the citizens and the bankers faults. (I will not point my finger at one or the other adults should be responsible enough to handle their funds properly and the banks should be responsible enough not to let people make these mistakes) Both just can't seem to help themselves..

This crash will be the largest global event we have seen take place. For me I can not speak exactly about what's going on all around the world, but it seems to be about the same as what's going on here in the U.S. (if you live somewhere other than the U.S. or if you live here in America I'd like to hear the situations going on around your area) More than half of the people here in the U.S. can not afford something that should be a small event, like having a tire blowout.. Something that small is enough to set the average American back for more then a month, and makes funds very very tight.

In these articles I want to lay out as much as I can with the details in the housing market, stocks, crypto currency, inflation, stores closings, bankruptcy, precious metals and more.. The way we are going can't be sustained forever...Please take what you read in my articles and use it to your advantage. If you do not trust what I'am saying just go look at the past and current statistics, graphs, and some general economic history.. You will see we are headed for trouble but, always remember you can put yourself to be in a better position then someone who was asleep and chose not to wake up.

I will be putting these articles into different sections and parts, as one full article would be to much to handle for the average reader. I want the information I give to you to be easy to read and easy to absorb. If there is a certain topic you would like me to cover or something out there that makes you feel uneasy about our economy today please leave a comment and let us know your concerns.

Feel free to follow so you can be the first to read about whats going on in today's economy and ways to prepare for whats to come. We are all in this together and if we take the steps we need to prepare we will be the one's who have less worries, we can feed our families or those who are in need and we could be the new "rich" by taking the proper steps today... Remember most new millionaires and billionaires are made during a time of economic crisis because they took the proper steps to prepare.

Good Luck ~ Stay Safe ~ Stay Woke ~ and Always be a Step Ahead


I hope the system last more awhile more ... the longer the better :)

Longer for prepping is good but longer for the crash no good.. We're going to hit so hard :/ we will have never seen whats to come!

It's scary when you really think about it

Bloodbath will come soon but takes time.

It's for sure going to get messy... But I kinda plan on staying indoors lol