Mark Zuckerberg \ discussing Russian election interference and our next steps - My thoughtssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Mark Zuckerberg is going to be working with the government to censor "bad actors" online to prevent future occurrences of Russian election hacking. One of the vectors of his attack method will be to increase transparency with advertising agencies so that people will be able to see what kinds of content they are monetizing.

So right away, I see a number of very important issues with what is going on in this video. The least important one is, the man looks like a robot. The video looks oddly doctored and if you stare at his mouth it looks really fake. I'm not saying the video is fake but I am saying that it looks really weird.


  1. Russia did not hack the American election.

    "There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer."
  2. The DNC leak was very likely from Seth Rich.

  3. Julian Assange and Wiki Leaks are not Russian.

  4. Its physically impossible
    The information that was leaked was far too large to be downloaded efficiently from an outside source. This is a big part of how we know that it was an inside job.

  5. Facebook as a platform itself had no direct connection to the general election.
    Further policing Facebook simply will not have any effect on preventing future hacking of anything. Cracking down on bad actors on Facebook is disconnected from solving the problems he seems so concerned about solving. This seems more like some kind of censorship campaign.

  6. The emails being leaked is a completely different topic compared to hacking voting machines.
    Its really bizarre these two things are being conflated at all. The votes occured at the voting booths. The emails may have played a role in who voted for who but ultimately the only kind of hacking we need to be concerned about is if Russia was physically manipulating votes to prevent Hillary from winning.

  7. We would have far larger problems at hand anyway.
    If it turned out that there was substantial evidence that Russia physically manipulated votes we would be in huge trouble. We would need to call into question ALL voting within the last 10+ years. Was Russia manipulating our votes in local state run elections? What about the last two presidents?

    This would seriously mean the end of America. What if it turned out that Russia was in control of a large number of our voting systems for an extended time and nobody noticed until now? There would be carnage on the streets. Nobody would ever bother to vote again.

So with all of the above said, I seriously have no clue what Mark Zuckerberg is getting at here. Does he just want to crack down on hate speech? Is he simply wanting to provide advertisers with more influence on what they monetize? In all honestly, its his platform, we do have better alternate options right now anyway. Steemit, Minds and Gab are currently in growing trends right now.

If he wants to drive Facebook into the ground that's really his business.

But what is really strange is that he says in the video he is working with the government. Why would the NSA want to silence free speech? Honestly this seems like a conflict of interest! Isn't that a big part of their value? How will they collect dirt on people or understand what is going on if their biggest platform is preventing people from saying things? Doesn't the NSA stand to lose a ton of its value if people simply stop saying and doing what's on their minds?

Ultimately, this translates to me that we seriously need to stop using Facebook. It wont matter in few years anyway, once Facebook sanitizes itself its not like it will be worth sticking around anyway. Watching this video made me honestly want to just dump my Facebook account right away much less in a few years.


"So with all of the above said, I seriously have no clue what Mark Zuckerberg is getting at here. Does he just want to crack down on hate speech? "

-- Probably. they're already doing this and the issue with this of course, we know that there is no actual definition of "hate speech" it's just an arbirtrary call to determine what is hate speech.

"Is he simply wanting to provide advertisers with more influence on what they monetize? In all honestly, its his platform, we do have better alternate options right now anyway.

Steemit, Minds and Gab are currently in growing trends right now."
-- Yes, philosophically they're better. But there's a long road ahead for mass and mainstream adoption. Without this, it's irrelevant what kind of "great work" these alternative sites do. I wish we could accelerate the process but it's a tough battle and definitely a long one.

If we look at MySpace we can see that the process can happen within the span of a couple years.

Myspace failed with problems FB addressed 10 years ago. Not going to happen in FB like that. If FB goes down, it will be more like AOL. Progressively, slowly and will just become an anchor part of media online. But I have a feeling it won't.

Did you know Zuck sold his FB stock?
Something is fishy.

I learned about this today actually, StyxHexenHammer666 did a video on the topic. I don't believe he saw the above video however.

Well spoken. Good video.

He touches on something I thought was just a joke. It seems Zuck is controlled by AI. That's another subject.

The funny part is that I think he said all of that before seeing this video.

It's rare to meet gamers who are awake in this area. 🙏

Many gamers believe the MSM narritive.

I am probably going to regret this down the road if my game design ever becomes popular. But I just enjoy making content as things come to mind. sooo weeeeeee I guess.

Notch shared his views after he made his money. 😂

Yeah, I'm kinda fucked ><

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

"But what is really strange is that he says in the video he is working with the government. Why would the NSA want to silence free speech? Honestly this seems like a conflict of interest! Isn't that a big part of their value? How will they collect dirt on people or understand what is going on if their biggest platform is preventing people from saying things?"

Yeah it's odd but they have a reason for sure... Somehow these f*ckers always know what to do to control the vast majority. It's getting out of hand these days but they still seem to be in control.

Possibilities for your questions:

  • Maybe they have an alternative, something more efficient.
  • They get the crucial info anyways somehow.
  • They got everything they wanted and don't need Facebook anymore.
  • Or in the upcoming couple of months/years silencing will be WAY more important than anything. We can see that trend everywhere, not just on Facebook.

Zuckerberg is so strange though. This guy talks as if someone points a gun to his head.

i know one thing for sure. steemit will be a pain in the ass for facebook

Steemit is closer to reddit than it is for something like Facebook.

Let's hope so, but I really doubt it. If cryptocurrency incentives like steemit start working out and gain mainstream traction, FB will simply implement their own and crush the competition. The only thing that's going to really disrupt FB will be a brand new technology that takes people's times and gives them more value for it than FB does. Currently no such site exists.

I can't imagine why anyone would give a damn what Zuckie has to say.
I bailed out of FaceBook quite some time ago.

Hmmm... Maybe you don't know that they have 2 billion monthly users. Billions... with a B. That alone makes the head honcho one of the most influential people in the planet.

I know that they CLAIM to have two Billion (with a B) monthly users.
I also know that those numbers are bogus...they've admitted to it.
It was very embarrassing when they had to come clean to those who bought advertising from them.
Just exactly HOW Bogus?

Who knows?

Steemit has over 350K accounts..
of which less than one tenth are active.
How many FaceBook accounts are bots?

Ah, you're one of those that refuse to understand for the sake of being a contrarian or a conspiracist... not sure. The usage of FB is tracked by people outside of FB and by all estimates, they have 1 to 2 billion people accessing the site every month. FB is the #3 website in the planet. we have roughly 7 billion people. Just like everybody knows Google because they use it daily, "everybody" knows and billions of people use FB. I don't like the reality, but it is what it is. -- Steemit has 350k accounts and as you know most are inactive. FB doesn't allow bots, FB deletes and cancels more accounts each month than most other networks have ever acquired, all combined. While Steemit, minds, and all the other alternative sites struggle to get any mindshare, FB will sign up more accounts in one day than they'll all get in one month. It sucks but it's what it is.

-- They have mastered the stickiness of the site, their goal is to build a closed walled internet and so far they're succeeding. -- But it doesn't detract from the fact that MZ is one of the most influential people currently and probably to ever live.

Oh.. and this is new:
"1.32 billion daily active users on average for June 2017" -- holy crap. That is incomprehensible in terms of infrastructure, technology, product development and mindshare. Staggering, mind boggling numbers for anybody that has done any kind of network or software development.

is THAT what I am?
who knew?
that explains SO MUCH.
thank you for enlightening me..

You're right! The video does look really weird.