Revolutionary Blockchain Tech is Helping Disaster Victims & Feeding the Hungry Without Government

in #news6 years ago

 To those unfamiliar with concept of cryptocurrencies or the  blockchain, it is seen as a get rich quick scheme or something reserved  to day traders and techies. However, while there are definitely people  who venture down these paths, there are many others who are using this  technology to help their fellow humans. One of these cryptocurrencies is Dash which stands out above other  digital currencies as a unified community by not only funding its own  development but humanizing currency and funding charitable projects like  DashCares. Using the proceeds donated by the Dash community, DashCares is  feeding the homeless, providing clothes and supplies to those devastated  by natural disasters and feeding orphans. 

In November of last year, members of DashCares set up at Austin’s SXSW music festival to hand out Dash sponsored meals to the homeless. Hundreds of meals were distributed by local citizens and all of it funded by private digital currency. DashCares also partnered with  which is a sharing economy setup to reduce waste and excess by  voluntarily redistributing existing abundance to those who need it most. Recently, the Seattle chapter of Unsung needed help with blankets and  thanks to the additional funding from Dash they were able to help out  with blankets, socks and food. 

Arman Sadri, the North West director for  Unsung, implemented those funds into action. is now accepting  Dash as well as Bitcoin and Ether on its website in the donations  section. When the group is not feeding the homeless in Texas or distributing  much needed supplies in Washington, they are in Mexico feeding orphans.  Recently, the group traveled to Acapulco and fed dozens of children at  the The Marsh Orphanage who were truly thankful. 

 Also, when Hurricane Harvey devastated south eastern Texas last year,  DashCares was there helping families in the recovery effort by donating  Dash to those who were unable to pay for repairs. The effort received international coverage as it was headed up by Stephen Baldwin and Max Keiser. 

 DashCares isn’t the only organization carrying out these charitable ventures using Dash cryptocurrency either. Earlier this year, the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF said it was  seeing clear signs of a growing malnutrition crisis in Venezuela, but it  lacked data to give precise information and to tackle the problem  effectively. “While precise figures are unavailable because of very limited  official health or nutrition data, there are clear signs that the crisis  is limiting children’s access to quality health services, medicines and  food,” UNICEF spokesman Christophe Boulierac told a regular U.N.  briefing in Geneva in January. 

“When it’s about fighting child malnutrition, it’s not a time for  discussing, it’s time for action,” Boulierac said. “Acting to fight  malnutrition requires data, and there’s not enough official data right  now and there’s not enough coordination.” While the UN waits for the proper data to take action, others aren’t waiting. Fundación Sin Tabú , a  non-profit Venezuelan organization that runs various social programs,  has found an unlikely partner on the blockchain to help fund their new  project to feed children. That partner is DASH.  

As the Diario Bitcoin reports, “the organization, which began participating in the Dash Venezuela conferences at  the end of last year, has been able to raise, since then, a significant  fund with digital currency, which has allowed significant economic  support to strengthen the six social projects that [sic] lead.” Using the Dash funds, the non-profit is opening a soup kitchen to  feed “at least one meal with the quality and nutrients that children  need” to less fortunate children in the area. 

As Dash Force News reports, the initiative was part of the Alimenta Un Sueño program, which was a collaboration of many organizations, including the Alimenta Venezuela foundation.  

The program estimates that it will benefit 50 school-aged children,  which will help greatly since the organization estimated that the number  of malnourished children in the capital increased from 54% to 68% over  just four months in 2017. 

The reason using Dash is so effective is that the currency in  Venezuela has been printed to the point that it devalues on a daily  basis. Holding it only makes one poorer. That’s where Dash comes in. While the scope of these individual products aren’t extreme in size,  their cumulative efforts are combining to make substantial positive  change. 

As the Free Thought Project reported in  April, Dash is also funding projects in Africa, to make sure children  have access to healthy food, an extensive library, and athletic  activities. The program centers around a soccer team called the Dash Leopards and they are the first in the world to be funded by blockchain technology. 

On a daily basis, TFTP receives messages and emails from people  asking what they can do to peacefully fight the establishment and help  make a better world. Many people feel that being an individual doesn’t  allow them to have any influence. However, that is not the case. 

As Samuel Adams said “It does not take a majority to prevail… but  rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of  freedom in the minds of men.” You can be the change you want to see right now. It is as simple as  choosing to abstain from the violent corrupt old system and  participating in the new and peaceful system that hands the power back  to the people. DASH is a major part of this system. 

DASH digital cash takes the  control the banking elite has over money and gives it back to the people  and, as the cases in Venezuela and Africa illustrate, it is working. It  is the ultimate weapon in the battle against the money changers and  information controllers. 


This is indeed a good initiative by DASH... Looking forward to see many more similar projects to help the humanity.

And Japan made Dash illegal... what a shame, considering how much they are actually doing to make a difference.

Great post